Inmate Rules and Procedures (2025)

Inmate Handbook

During the classification process, an officer will personally interview each inmate booked into the facility. As part of this process, the inmate will be provided with an orientation to the facility, what he is permitted to have and what is expected of him. As part of this orientation, he will be provided with an Inmate Handbook, which will contain all the rules and regulations of the facility and acquaint him with his rights, responsibilities and procedures which must be followed during his period of incarceration. The topics discussed below are covered in greater detail in the handbook.

Personal Property

Inmates are not allowed to retain most personal property while incarcerated. All money and valuables will be inventoried, tagged and stored until release. They are allowed one change of civilian clothing. Should family members desire to bring in court clothing, this must be coordinated with the property officer.


U.S.. Mail – Money may be sent to an inmate in custody at the Beaufort County Detention Center via U.S. Mail using money order or cashier check only. For more information about this option, please call 843-255-5179.

Online – You may also deposit money instantly via our online option by visiting You will then create an account and login. You will also provide the inmate’s name and the inmate’s name number (can be retrieved by calling us at 843-255-5208). For any issues using the online option, please contact McDaniel Supply Company at 912-427-9022.

Visitation ***Please visit to register for visitation***

Offsite Remote Visitation

  • Alpha 1/Bravo 2 Bottom Tier (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday)
    • 1230-1530 and 2030-2330
  • Alpha 1/Bravo 2 Bottom Tier (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday)
    • 0830-1130 and 1630-1930
  • Alpha 1/Bravo 2 Top Tier (200 level) (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday)
    • 0830-1130 and 1630-1930
  • Alpha 1/Bravo 2 Top Tier (200 level) (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
    • 1230-1530 and 2030-2330
  • ***Alpha 1/Bravo 2 on Fridays***
    • The tiers will be on a rotating Top and Bottom Tier schedule. Example: if the Top Tier was out for early rec (0830-1130, 1630-1930) on Friday #1, the following Friday the Top Tier will be out for the late rec (1230-1530, 2030-2330)
  • Alpha 2 / SH-A / SH-B / MH / IH / Bravo 1 / Charlie 1 / Pre-Class (if applicable)
    • 0830-1130, 1230-1400 (1500 on Saturday and Sunday), 1630-1930, and 2030-2200 (2300 on Friday and Saturday
  • Bravo 3 (Rotating Top and Bottom Tier rec)
    • 0830-1130 or 1230-1530. Rotates daily.
  • Bravo 4 and inmates on suicide watch will have no visitation due to the level of security required
  • Inmates that are on a modified recreation schedule will be limited to 1 or 2 visits per day depending on their status
  • Bravo 5 (Inmate Workers)
    • 0830-1130, 1230-1530, 1630-1930 and 1930-2330

***Offsite visitation is designed so that the inmates are able to visit with their friends and family while they are on recreation every day of the week. There will be no number of visitor requirements. However, each visit comes at a cost to the visitor and all adult visitors (18 years of age or older) must be registered in the visitation software***

Onsite Remote Visitation

  • Visitors are welcome every day for onsite visits with the exception of Sunday.
  • The onsite visitation will follow the same schedule as offsite visitation. However, all onsite visits will be suspended at 1530 hour daily.
  • All inmates will be given two (2) onsite visits per week at no expense to the inmate.
  • A maximum of 2 adults and 1 infant are permitted per visit.
  • On Children’s day (Saturday), 2 adults and 3 children (including infants) are permitted.
  • Nothing can be brought into the visitation area except authorized and cleared infant and/or healthcare items. Other items must be stored in a locker that is provided or in your vehicle.
  • Any visitor who intentionally violates the rules may be subject to criminal prosecution and permanent disbarment.
  • All onsite visitors will be required to pass through a security checkpoint prior to visiting. If you are unable to clear the checkpoint, a more thorough search of your person may be required. The Shift Commander may authorize a frisk search if the hand-held wand fails to detect the alerting object. This search will be conducted in private. If the visitor still cannot clear the security checkpoint, the Shift Commander will decide whether to grant or deny the visit. A visitor may choose to refuse a frisk search. Doing so will result in a denial of the visit by the Shift Commander based on concerns for safety and security.


Inmates are encouraged to write to anyone, provided their letters do not in any way violate U.S.. Postal Service regulations. Inmates may receive unlimited mail. All incoming correspondence except privileged mail will be opened and inspected for contraband before delivery. All mail should be addressed as follows:

John Doe #________

Beaufort County Detention Center

Pod (Housing Unit) #____

P.O. Drawer 1228

Beaufort South Carolina 29901-1228

All mail must have a full return address. No oversized post or greeting cards, or perfumed letters will be accepted. No Polaroids at all or other photographs larger than 5" x 7" will be accepted. An inmate is only allowed to have a total of six photos. Books and magazines can be mailed in butONLY directly from the publisher. NO packages are to be sent without prior approval, or they will not be accepted by the facility.

Food Service

Inmates are provided three nutritious meals per day. Requests for medical or religious diets will be investigated and provided if verified.

Medical Services

There is medical staff on duty daily. Inmates are provided physical exams including a TB test and other tests as medically indicated. The staff physician must validate all prescriptions brought in from outside the facility, prior to being dispensed. Inmates can request to see the medical staff as needed.

Program Services

There are number of programs available to the inmate population to provide constructive activity. These programs include:

Basic Education program, including GED preparation and testing, parenting skills, self-esteem classes, etc.
Law Library
Religious services, including clerical counseling, Bible study, etc.
Substance Abuse, including Alcoholics Anonymous, "Getting Back on Track" and individual counseling are available.
Inmate worker status: all sentenced inmates are required to perform various tasks at the facility. Pre-trial inmates may volunteer for assignments if there is a specific need identified.

Telephone Communications

Telephones are installed in each housing unit for inmate use. These are collect call service charge telephones. The phones are set up sothe calls are automatically limited to10 minutes. The company that operates the phone system will place a block to a specific number if the party called requests that calls be prevented from the Detention Center by pressing #9 on the phone during the acceptance phase of the call. This feature automatically blocks all calls from this facility. All phone calls are subject to recording and monitoring. To set up an account with the phone company callIC Solutionsat 1-888-506-8407.

First Appearance Hearings

All inmates charged with a crime should be seen by a judge normally within 24 hours. At that hearing, the judicial officer will ensure that you are advised of your rights, set bond, and prepare an application for appointed counsel. In light of the new laws governing victims' rights, these hearings will not be held until there have been reasonable attempts to contact the victims, so they may be present if they so desire.

Inmate Rules and Procedures (2025)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.