Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)

20 Rocky Kwrt N.C. TaWfrM Yacht Basin between' channel -marker 6 and 'channel-marker 2 in New Wildlife Commission Adopts Schedule Of Public Hearings Hanover County. The portion, of the in-; iracoasiai waterway wiuun 1 1 eet 01 me sears s. State Ports Authority, and bounded on the west by South 13th St. extended.

Within 50 yards of boat launching ramps on the Everett Jordan Reservoir in Chatham Couhty. All canals in the Walnut Island subdivision in Grandy in Currituck i The cove at the Gaston Wildlife Club on South Point J'eninsula in Lake Wylie in Gaston County. -v The i Carolina' Beach fish hatcheries owned and operated by the Wildlife Commission. The remaining fish will be furnished by. federal government many of these are raised at the Pisgah Rational Fish Hatchery near Brevard, which was nearly closed this year as a result of federal budget cuts.

"Basically, this trout-stocking program is equal to what-we've" had in' recent years," said Bevjll. "The decision by the federal government fund the A package of revisions and restructures of license fees was also adopted. This new package includes small fee increases for most and non-resident licenses, and will be presented 'to the 'K legislature for consideration. "Increased inflation and a growing demand for Wildlife Commission programs made hk. If II Jordan Is Commissioned Roy F.

Jordan of Whitakers was com- 1 missioned a 2ndUeute.nant in the United States Air Force recently through USAF R0TC detachment-600 at East Carolina University. Lt, Jordan received a degree in business management from ECU. Prior to attending ECU, Jordan served four years as an enlisted member of the He is a graduate of North Edgecombe High School, Lt. Jordan has been assigned to the 416th Munitions. Maintenance Squadron, Griffiss AFB, N.Y., as a supply operations officer.

The 416th Bomb Wing is the first operational unit with the new air launched cruise missile. Jordan will attend five weeks of school at JACK'S Thursday Nil at JACK'S THE CASTAWAYS Fab. 10. 11. 12 "THE COULTERS" stnwfioM Art Nov Sting Acetpttrf for "THE CoO No for Tht Btfftr Suit.

Feb. 5 "NEW IMAGE" 446-8023 LHztf RALEIGH Sportsmen will only have to attend a single set of public hearings to comment on proposed hunting, trapping and ishing regulations this year. This' was one of the decisions reached by the N.C! Wildlife' Resources Commission at a meeting In Raleigh recently. In other action, the Wildlife Commission adopted a package of license-fee revisions wmcn win oe presented 16 the legislature for consideration, adopted no-wake zones in several counties," and the trout-stocking program for the coming year. Unlike past years, public hearings for fishing regulations and hunting and trapping regulations, will be consolidated into a single set of hearings this spring.

The hearings are scheduled for March, and locations and dates will be announced in the near future. "Consolidating the public hearings for hunting, trapping and fishing regulations into a single set oLhearings will 6ave the Wildlife Commission considerable expense, and will also be more convenient for sportsmen," said Vernon Bevill, executive director of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. "The consolidation was made possible by consolidating hunting, trapping and fishing license years beginning this July 1. We urge all sportsmen to attend these hearings, and participate in the regulations process.

This public input plays a vital role in establishing our regulations." OOOOOOOdOOOO0 Bank Administration Institute Sets Meet RALEIGH The Eastern North Carolina Chapter, Bank Administration Institute, will meet at King's Restaurant, Kinston, Thursday, Feb. 10. Technical session on bankruptcy laws will begin at 4:30 p.m., conducted by Mike Flannagan, attorney-at-law, New Bern. JBu6 Hwy. Thurs.

Paying $200 with a $500 2 packs 7 1 FREE Pack with a minimum Doors 301 South Night Feb. 3 per game jackpot guaranteed $15-4 packs $20 packs $25 before 7: 15 purchase open 6:30 additional sources of funding necessary: said BevilLs i. 'The small license-fee increases included in this proposed legislation would help support existing programs without placing a bifrden on anyone, We have more than 100 vehicles in operation that are literally worn out. They are costing too much to operate because of constant repairs. They are not mechanically able to do the job for our employees.

We have got to expand our revenues in order to replace this equipment." Trout Stocking List The trout stocking list was also adopted. Over 680,000 trout wil be stocked in designated mountain trout waters in North Carolina this year. Approximately half of these fish will be raised at South Rocky Mount Tel. OARK CRYSTAL W- KHihiiiMij 9:00 THE MAN FROM 7:00 48 HOURS I notnioDO lauua hum amm six weeks re I. I I HEALTH PUBLIC FREE COFFEE jj OOOOOOOOOOO Exercising the heart By Lawrence Lamb, M.D.

from your immune system attack it and try to destroy DEAR DR. LAMB I am it fJtl lirJLTZ an auto-immune reac-doctor encouragement xeVrcis Thentfew leek Product the itself exercise inen a iew weeKs were orei sub 0 SEAFOOD BUFFET FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 to 9:30 You may eat all you want from a variety of delicious fresh seafood. $595 SATURDAY NIGHT 1 2:00 pm to 9:30 Sirloin Tip of Beef, choice of baked potatoFrench Fries. With tossed salad glass of house wine. $050 MORRIS HOUSE RESTAURANT 3537 SUNSET AVE.

ONLY HOT DOGS 301 Also we serve Regular Menu ROY F.JORDAN Lowry AFB, Denver, beginning Feb. 10. Lt. Jordan is the son of Dora Ruth Jordan of Whitakers and the late William Clarence Jordan. The speaker for the evening session is David Ward attorney-at-law.

Ward's topic will be "how to avoid even the suspician of being a criminal." The Eastern North Carolina Chapter, Bank Administration Institute has a membership of 185 banks in Eastern North Carolina. attacks it "UstaEei caUed3 "-bSSp and The are your tissues "self." When your immune system first develops, it learns to differentiate between "self" and "nonself." That distinction may be lost and cause autoimmune responses. There are a number of diseases in that category. Rheumatoid arthritis may be one. So are diseases such as lupus and some diseases associated with blood destruction.

The response can be quite varied. The last Indian battle was fought at Wounded Knee, S.D., when U.S. soldiers attempted to disarm the Sioux. MATING HEATING COMPLETE LINES OF AIR CONDITIONING FOR NOME OR BUSINESS 150 YEARS OF ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE INSTALLING AND SERVICING. DAVIS REFRIGERATION 1207 S.

CHURCH ST. PHONE 446-1454 Your Authorized air conditioning! HEATING SPECIALIST HEATING HEATING 442-6821 XilfliWi OAKWGOO OPENS r45 SHOW AT 7:00 a. EACNKTI V-7 CAU441-3M4 oot FMMfO. I What's On TV Tonight For complete TV Pro-', gramming information, consult your weekly TV PREVIEW In Friday's Tpleirram 2383 7:00 PM f5V SHOW Aerobiciss (3D Gomor Pyle CD MacNeil-Lahrer Report AC News NBC News (DNYSoap Jeffersons Joker's Wild Three's Company CD MASH 3D Are You Anybody? Against the Odds (S) Nature of Things Sheriff Lobo (25 ESPN's Sportsforum US) Moneyline First Nighter 7:30 PM (D NBA Basketball: Denver at Atlanta (A) Stateline: Gnrl Assm-bly GD Family Feud NY Benny Hill Show Tic Tac Dough 33) MASH CD Entertainment Tonight Alice Gil Sports Look Black Beauty (H) ESPN SportsCenter (H) Sports Tonight (t) Personal Computer Show HBO Inside the NFL 8:00 PM Sneak Previews 0 C0 Greatest American Hero 'Shogun' Part 4 NY MOVIE: 'The Great Houdinis' I Spy CD Magnum. P.I.

Star Trek (16) NBA Basketball: San Diego at Detroit Livewjre (S Cable Health World Report MOVIE: 'Patton' NFL Theatre: 'Best Ever Professionals' (25 Prime News Traveler's World 8:30 PM Enterprise Reader's Digest (2D Sharper Image 9:00 PM Nature of Things 0 NCAA Basketball: Wake Forest at Virginia 700 Club (10) Merv Griffin CD Simon Simon MOVIE: 'Lipstick' Samson and Delilah Regis Philbin Show NCAA Basketball: Wake Forest at Virginia (2D Telefrance 9:45 PM TBS Evening News 10:00 PM Austin City Limits Hill Street Blues NY Newark Reality News CD Knots Landing 3D Crisis Counselor (2D Freeman Reports 10:30 PM NY Meet the Mayors Star Time 3D NBA Basketball: Philadelphia at Golden Gate 3D Special Presentation 11:00 PM All In the Family ffl Alfred Hitchco*ck 0 CD News Benny Hill Show NY Madame's Place Eyewitness News 3D Soap Action News 3D Human Sexuality NCAA Basketball: Washington State at UCLA (2D Sports Tonight HBO On Location: Carlin at Carnegie MOVIE: 'Assault on a Queen' Morecambe Wise 0 C9 Nightline Tonight Show NY Off track Betting Another tife-, Quincy 39 Kojak CD Charlie's Angels Great Paint. 3D Nature of Things MOVIE: Liberty" 12:00 AM GD Sign Off 0 Last Word NY Master and His Message Bums Allen C3 Harry Cable Hearth World Report New CD Late Night with David Utter- man Is'Z 1'-JIUac; ODNY You Asked For ft Jack Benny Show O. MOVIE; Landing (Surf Drawbridge in Pender County a. An estimated $700,000 in gold and silver was recovered by divers in 1966 from the wreck of a French ship off Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. IJOQIB) I INVITED 237-7087 With Mustard Chili Onions 11 Old Fashioned bread Pudding Cherry or Blueberry Cobbler Jello 3.95 5.50 $3.50, Under 6 FREE Street.

Rocky Mount FREE PACK For Each Player Early Birds 7:00 pm Game Time 7:30 pm Pisgah, National. Hat-, chery for one more year was very important to North Carolina sportsmen. No-Wake Zones Several no-wake zones were also adopted. They are follows: In Carteret County, the waters of Bogue Sound in Morehead City between Sugar Loaf Island and the seawall on the south side of "Evans, Shepard and Shackleford streets, and bounded on' the east by the At JACK'S THE COULTERS Feb. 10,11, 12 First Tier AnnivtrMry 4468023 DUSTIN HOFFMAN T00TSIE PAUL NEWMAN THE VERDICT 442-4474 lyiiuiiwgfi I and Industry.

true mum At OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 10, 1983 64 BINGO Hwy. 64 East, Rocky Mount Fri.Feb.4th&Sat. Feb. 5th ago i Degan Deing urea auer walking and being short of doctor, who is an internal medicine specialist, and had a complete checkup.

He found that I have an enlarged heart and mild congestive heart failure. My blood pressure was excellent and my laboratory studies were fine except for a slight elevation of triglycerides and cholesterol. My doctor began treatment and from all indications intends to go on treating me. I'm sure he is a good doctor but is a specialist in internal medicine qualified to treat me or should I see a cardiologist? DEAR READER Most internal medicine specialists do treat patients with heart problems. Cardiology is a sub-specialty of internal medicine.

The internist usually refers patients with heart disease to a nLui we' patient has unusual or difficult problems or requires special procedures. Congestive heart failure is a common heart condition in older people and a good internal medicine specialist is fully qualified to manage such problems. Exercise is good for the heart and circulation under normal circ*mstances. But as the heart becomes dis- eased to the point that it cannot pump strongly enough, then exercise is limited to avoid overworking the heart Your previous exercise program was probably good for you. It may have delayed the problems you now experience.

When the heart "fails" or congestive failure develops, the weakened heart is not able to pump the blood out of the lungs fast enough and fluid accumulates in the lungs causing shortness of breath. You will understand how the heart functions and how exercise affects it better from The Health Letter 14-10, Exercising Your Heart, which I am sending you. Others can send 75 cents with a Luncheon Served NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER FRESH FLOUNDER (FRIED OR BROILED) DEVILED CRABS-CLAM STRIPS Moore-Ezzel I-Long Post 2057 Veterans'Of Foreign Wars Semi-Annual Barbecue Chicken Dinner $3. 00 Per Plate Cabbage Cole Slaw Fried Sweet Potatoes Hushpuppies We Deliver Upon Request To Business Call 446-7532, Post Home At Post Home -Highway 97 West, Rocky Mount, N.C. Serving 1 1 a.m.

til 2 p.m. 3 pm til pm Friday, Feb. 4, 1983 Dinner Served OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER FLOUNDER (FRIED OR BROILED) SHRIMP CREOLE DEVILED CRABS-CLAM STRIPS Cole Slaw Broccoli Casserole Tn Sweet Potato Slices Jel10 Hushpuppies STEWART EVERETT THEATRES tHOPFtNO CBfTtB MVHWMWWVWWWH II WMIUHMH.IIPII BEHIND THESE BARS EVERYBODY BELONGS TO SOMEONE! true prison story! 443-2164 HlilHiil IK'- ''v i I 1-nNi rl I lit rl rV I I long, stamped, self-: addressed envelope for it to me, in care of this newspa- Station, New York, NY 10019. DEAR DR. LAMB -Would you please explain just what you mean by autoimmune disease? -v I nave seen this term in articles about different diseases.

What happens when the body -becomes immune to one of its own products? DEAR READER Let's start with the regular immune system we all have When germ or foreign substance is introduced into the body, by entering the bloodstream or tissues, your body recognizes it doesn't belongJl there and reacts to it as a threat So the forms antibodies to it In the future when that foreign germpr substance enters the bodyTthese, antibodies 9 II fVJO ml I If I I ENOUWOOO SOUAU SHOfflNO CCNTH Children Under 12 We honor all major prtdit cards. Zl 3 Nwfh CHurcn IJI oh a fit.

Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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