The Evansville Journal from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

Con Gas Dept Lt Co Oil City Valley Co Alkali Shipbidg Copper Co Mine Cop. Strs pid So Shirt Prod. Cor 57 28 13 5 25 94 2852 13 24 5114 331. 321 271 163 183 39 32 561 175. 3014 193.

153. 841 161 3 27 10 253. 273 193. 15 103 111, 3934 .5 5 3' 271 12 173 31 191. 115 305 15 30 38 3012 4 183.

154 8 121 3 10 11 18 38 253. 27 153 241. 12 915 1515 a 151- 35 16 15 273. 2 281 121 231 311 191, 181 357a 31 211. 38 2 151 161: 10 3 9 11 18 24 123 253 251, 1761 16 385 155 157.

271 271, 93, 171 Shell South Skelly Westinghouse Stand Texas Stone Stand Texas Texas US Union Union Seaboard Stewart Union Union Simmons Timken West United United Timken West United hompson United White Tidewater Wilson Western Utilities Underwood Vanadium Air Pa Wethingn Ind Pips Corp Steel Steel Oil Pac Realty Bag Rubber Leather An Gas Cary Patilic Carbide Fruit Br Co Roll Brake Prod Sewing Pow of Fart pid Alcohol. Pic Ru In. Trans Paper Oil Cal Lt Pump El. 25 13 351 1271. 16 70 81 16 45 91 22 71 47 311.

3 134 505 23 201 55 233 30 29 321. 13 12419 1134 163 63, 214 3 1914 L- 8915 3 30 125 16 30 213 68 3 93 91 197. 1618 221 63 12 201 1334 a 6 21 A 334 35 483. I 254 a S. tO ets 300 84.00 10c low 160 er.

or and and to slow. $4.00 ewes 9.25: Dep't under early slow: vealers heifers 4.000: around in better few 4.50; 4.50: cows higher: good cows early Sheep $5.50 wethers LAP holdover 150 springers able ture 11.00. steady: bulk 00 or to steady Cattle- held higher. to to Sheep EAST cutters of to 150 to to to 62.50 230 bids 140 sales slow. bulls bulls 25c up steady 160 grade 5.50; good to -Hogs, for with to to to 160 shade shade slow, 3.00.

weak. 00 10c bulk lbs 8110 are on S. 5 to on at at to Swift Swift Radio THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL- MONDAY. MAY 7, 1934. NEW YORK STOCKS (By Thomson McKinnon) Central Union Bank Building Evansville, Ind.

11 Wall New York (By Thomson McKinnon) NEW YORK, May 7. Closing of stocks on the prices average New York Stock Exchange, today compiled by and 88 company: 95.51, off 2.69 Industrials Rails 43.70. off 1.98 Utilities 22.33, off 0.83 NEW YORK. May 7-Total sales on New York Stock Exchange today were 2,360.000 shares. High Low Close Reduction 98 Air 81 778 8 Adams Express Juneau 183 171, 173 Alaska Allegheny Corp 3 Allied Chemical.

1383 142 Allis Chalmers 15 151 Shoe 273 Am Brake Am Can 99 963 Fdy 211 2178 Am Car 8 Am For Pwr 8 73 Am Intl Corp Am La Fr Foam 1 Locomotive 29 26 26 Am 23 Am Metals Lt 638 61 Am Pwr Rad Std 133 Am Mill. 183 193 Am Rolling 377 Am Smelting Fdy 16 17 Am Steel 51 Am Sugar 157 Am Sumatra Tel Tel ...111 Am 69 671 Am Tobacco Tobacco "B' 71 691 Am Wks 19 18 Am Water 113 Am Woolen 153 Anaconda Cop 21! 20 Anchor Cap Armour Ill Ill Armour 51. 51 Arnold 534 63 59 Atch Top 42 3912 40 At Coast Lines Atl Refining 37 Auto 361 Auburn 61 Corp 7 Aviation 12 22 23 Baldwin Loco Balt 73 Ohio Barnsdall Beatrice 15 15 Crmy 33 32 32 Bendix Best Co Beth Steel Co Borden 24 211 Borg 17 16 Warner Briggs Mant Mfg Brooklyn 11 Bucyrus-Erie Bucyrus-Erie pid Ad 1338 Burroughs Byers A 23 30 Calif Pack Corp 478 4 4 Calumet Hecla 21 22 Can-Dry-G Ale 1612 153 16 Canadian Pacific. I Co 5738 531 Case 273 273 Celanese De Pasco 33 3138 Cerro Cert Products 512 514 Ches Corp 43 41 Ches Ohio 44 St 53 81 St pid. chic 9 Motors.

Chrysler Cola Cola 117 117 Colo Fuel Iron Columbia Gas 12 Columbia Carbon 70 Con Solvents Com South Congoleum 25 Consol Gas Y. Con Oil Cont Baking 10 Cont Can 79 76 Cont Ins Co Contl Motors Contl Oil 20 19 19 Corn Products Crosley Radio Curtiss 31 Douglas Aircraft 181 Del Hudson. 59 Diamord Match. 221, Deere Co 23 DuPont Eastman 90 873 873 Elec Auto Lt 22 Elec Pow 5 Elec Stry Bat Co. Endice.

Johnson 53 Eng Pub Serv 5 Erie 18 Feder. 5. 28 2 Fidel In 32 31 31 Four 22 22 Fox I Freepo. 41 Gen At 38 Genera 20 General General 21 General 33 General G. General Motors 35 General R.1 Gillette Saf Raz.

Glidden Co 22 Gold Dust Goodrich Co 16 141 Goodyear Tire Graham Paige Granby 10 9 Great North Ore 1314 Great North pid 23:4 201. Great West Sug. 28 Hahn Stores 61 Houd Hershey 45 41 Howe Sound Co. 453 42 Hudson Man 81 73 Hudson Motor Hupp Motors 4 Illinois 251 Ingersol Inland Steel 42 Inspiration 43 Intl Cement 241, Intl Harvester 381 351 Intl Merc Marine Intl Nickel Intl Tel TI Interstate Johns 481, Kansas Kelly Springfield Kelvinator Kennecott 21 Kresge 1738 Kroger Grocery 281 Libby Owens Lambert Lee Rub Tire Lehigh Lehn Fink Liggett My 92 Lima Loco 231 Loews Inc Loose Wiles 40 40 Lorillard Louisiana Oil Louisville Gas 54 Mack Truck 27 Magma Copper Manhattan Marshall Field Math: May McIntyre 44 McKeesport P. 83 Miami Mid Pet 123, Mpls Mo Plow pid 241.

Mo Pacific Mo Pacific 253, Montgomery Motor Wheel Mullins Mrg 125 Nash Motors Nat Biscuit Cash Reg A Nat Dairy Prod 163 Nat Distil Not Pow Lt Central 29 271 153 133 17 Norfolk West North Am Avia North American 163 151 Nerth Pacific 29 Ohio Oliver Farms 41. Otis Eler Otis Steel 43, Owens Ill Pec 18 174 Packard Motors 41 Ponbandle Paramount Pathe Exch 23 Penna 30 GRAIN QUOTATIONS CORN Diamond Mills) New No. 2 white, 70 lbs. 46c New No. 2 yellow, 70 lbs.

44c WHEAT (NEW AND OLD) (Quoted by Igleheart Bros.) At Evansville 75c At Stations 1c to 3c less than local. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CLOSE (Thomson ff McKinnon) CHICAGO, May 2 to 3c higher; No. 3 mixed weevily; No. 2 hard 84c weevily. Corn: 1 and 2c higher; No.

2 mixed 491c: No. 4 mixed 49c; lake, new No. vellow 50c: No. 3 yellow 50c; new 2 No. 2 vellow No.

white 54c; old No. 2 vellow 50 to 51c: No. 3 yellow 50c; No. 4 yellow No. 2 white sample 45c.

Oats: to 2c higher; No. 2 white 353 to No. 3 white to 355c; No. 4 white 34c. CHICAGO (By WHEATMay July Sept CORNMay July Sept OATSMay July Sept RYEMay July Sept LARDMay July Sept BELLIESMay July Sept GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Thomson ff McKinnon) Open High Low Close .85 .845 .81 .82 83 .84 .51 .51 .51 .34 .33 .34 .33 .34 .323 .58 .60 .58 5.80 5.97 5.97 5.95 5.97 6.22 6.22 6.17 6.20 7.65 7.85 8.07 8.12 8.07 8.12 LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE, May 2 soft, 58 69c; No.

3 soft, 57 68c. Corn 3, 70 41c. Oats- No. 3, 27c. NEW NEW YORK, May steady, No.

2 western f.o.b. New York, and A c.1.f. New York. Domestic to arrive. HAY (By Second Avenue Scales) Red Top Timothy Alfalfa New Clover Oats Straw Wheat Straw (baled) 8.00 $12.00 POULTRY AND EGGS $12.00 $12.00 Heavy hens 12c Leghorn hens 9c Stags 6c Broilers, Leghorns 16c Broilers, to 2 lbs 16c Broilers, 2 lbs and over 18c Old roosters 5c Fresh Eggs 12c CHICAGO CHICAGO.

May live, 26 trucks, steady; hens over 5 5 lbs and under leghorn hens, 12c: rock fryers, to colored, rock springs to colored rock broilers 23 to 25c, colored 23c; leghorn 18 to 20c: barebacks, 19c; hen turkeys, 15c; young toms 14c: old toms 12c; No. 2 turkeys, 11c; roosters 8c; spring ducks 12 to 15c; old 10 to 12c; geese 8c. YEW YORK NEW YORK, May Receipts 22.356. irregular. Mixed colors, special packs or selections from fresh receipts to standards and commercial standards to firsts to seconds 16c; mediums, 40 and dirties No.

1, 42 average checks 15c; storage packed firsts to BUTTER AND CREAM Butterfat Cream Regular, 18c; premium, 20c. Butter--Retail, 30c; wholesale, 26c. CHICAGO CHICAGO. May 7. (AP) Butter Receipts 10,183, easy; creamery cials (93 score) to extras (92) extra firsts (90-91) to firsts (88-89) C2 to seconds (86 to 87) standards 354, (90 centralized carlots) Eggs-Receipts steady; tra firsts 16 to fresh graded firsts to 16c; current receipts 15c.

351 No butter or egg sales. Penney 58 Peoples Gas 3 Pere Marquette Petroleum 11 11 Phelps Dodge 123, Phila Read I 41 Phillips Pete Pressed Steel Car 3 Proctor Gamble 35 Prod Refiners. 43 Pub Service J. 13 Pullman Pure Oil 104 Purity 15 14 253 Radio of A Radio Keith 3 43, Reading 245. Real Silk 9 Remington Rand.

9 Reo Motor 4 Rep Iron Steel Reynolds Metl 251 Co Reynolds Tob 'B' 4112 4914 Royal Dutch 141 St Joseph Lead Co Schenley Dist 28 29 Schulte Ret Strs. 472 Oil Del 341g Sears Servel Inc 75 303, Union Oil. 241 Co 1758 15 12 Simms Pete 10 Oil Socony 92 Porto Sug. Pacific Southern 27 40 161 Stand Brands 193 91. of Oil Cal 54 Oil 42 of 441 271 Warner.

8 183, Webster 77 7 Studeoaker Gulf Sul. Land 8 Tr 16 161 431 40 2234 203. Wabash 29 7914 Woolworth 48 21 Yellor 458 Youngan Sh Th 21 Zenith Radio LIVESTOCK NOTICE--All and 11:00 on Saturdays. CATTLE Receipts light. Strictly dry fed cattle strong to a shade highHeavy cattle showing the er.

Cattle showing grass look advance. about steady but selling 25 to under these quotations. Fat cows strong to active. Canners and cutters In good demand at steady prices. Good to choice long heavyweight steers $4.00 to 6.50, with exceptionally at thing long fed good to choice butcher cattle $5.00 to 6.25: common to medium cattle fat enough to interest packers $4.00 to 4.50; good to choice cows $3.50 to 4.00; medium to good 3.00; canners and cutCOWS $2.25 to ters 81.50 to 1.75; good bulls $2.50 to kind $2.00 to 2.25; stock 3.40; common 83.00 to 5.00: common kind calves 82.00 to 2.50; milch cows from $20 to 30.00.

CALVES--Receipts liberal; market steady. Strictly choice calves, 150 to 195 $6.00 to 7.00: good to choice medium $4.50 to 5.00; $5.00 to 6.00; $4.00 down; choice heavy common to 6.00; calves 200 to 250 $5.00 $3.50 medium $4.00 to 5.00; common calves weighing from down; heavy strictly fat, $3.50 to 5.50, 250 to 300., plain bull calves $3.50 down. AND LAMBS--Receipts very SHEEP light; market steady. Genuine spring lambs $7.50 to $11.50. NOTICE Sheared lambs and $1.00 lower than the following are quotations: Fat No.

1 ewes and wethers lambs, 88.50; No. 1 bucks and heavy lambs weighing over 90 No. 2'5 Yearlings $3.00 to 4.50: best fat light sheep $2.50 to $3.50. Heavy and thin sheep $2.50 down. HOGS--Receipts liberal; market to higher; 200 to 250 lbs.

250 to 300 lbs. 300 lbs and up $3.35: 170 to 200 lbs, 140 to 170 120 to 140 lbs. lbs. lbs. and down light roughs heavy roughs light stags $2.50: heavy stags $2.25.

All stags sold with 80 lbs. dock. NOTICE- The above quotations for good fat hogs. There are too many of the half fat unfinished and mangy coming at the present time, conhogs a bid sequently it is hard to get this kind. They are selling anywhere 50c to $1.00 per cwt, under good from hogs the same class.

Light weight common pigs are silling at very unsatisfactory prices. Evansville, May 7, 1934. scales close at 12:30 CHICAGO CHICAGO, May Dept. -Receipts 25,000. steady Franc including 12,000 direct; about Saturday; 180 to 250 lbs $3.70 with 3.80: top good and choice, to 140 160 $3.25 to 3.75; to 160 200 $3.50 to 3.85; 200 to 250 $3.70 to 3.85; 250 to 350 packing sows, medium and good $2.75 to 3.35; pigs, good and choice $2.00 3.25.

-Receipts calves 2000: better grade medium weights weighty steers fully steady; scaling 1250 lbs upward and grading good and better sold early mostly comparatively Jittle done light steers and yearlings; undertone weak; bulk promising to sell $7.50 downward; other killing classes slow to steady; steers. good mostly 550 to 900 $6.00 to and choice, to 1100 $6.00 to 8.75; 7.75; 900 1300 $7.50 to 9.50: 1300- 1100 to 1500 $8.30 to 9.50; heifers, good and choice, 85.25 to 6.5; sows, good, $4.25 to 5.25; bulls (yearlings excluded), good (beef), $3.25 to 3.75; vealers, good and choice, 85.50 7.00; stockers and feeders $4.75 to 6.00. Sheep Receipts undertone weak to 25c lower on bulk lamb offerings; few natives spring and aged sheep about steady; asking $10.00 downward on desirable wooled lambs; good to choice clippers held around $9.00 to 9.25; few bids and sales naaround $11.00 to 11.50; tive springs shorn ewes $4.00 to 4.50: spring good and choice, $10.25 to lambs, 11.50; lambs, 90 down, good and $8.25 to 9.25; ewes, good and choice, choice, $3.25 to 4.50. EAST ST. LOUIS EAST ST.

LOUIS, May (AP)-(U. S. Dept, Agr.) opened steady to 5c ceipts, higher: top bulk 170 lbs, up, $3.65 to 3.70; 150 to 160 lbs, $3.50 to 3.60; 130 to 140 lbs. $3.00 to 3.25; 100 to 120 lbs, $2.25 to 2.75; sows $2.85 to 3.00. Cattle-Receipts calves, not established on native steers with supply of desirable fed kind relatively light; mixed yearlings, heifers and cow stuff opening steady; bidding lower on bulls; vealers 25c lower; mixed and heifers $5.00 to vearlings 6.00; beef cows $3.25 to 4.00; early sales of sausage bulls $3.40 down; top vealers $6.25.

Receipts opened steady: desirable spring lambs to all interests $11.50 to 11.75; no early action on other classes; indications about steady. INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS, May S. Department -Hogs, receipts holdovers 146; mostly 5c underweights steady; 160 to 200 lbs. $3.70 to 3.75; 200 to 300 lbs largely $3.80: choice lots lbs. $3.55 to 3.75; 140 to 160 lbs.

$3.15 to 3.40: 120 to 140 $2.40 2.90: 100 to 120 $2.00 to 2.25; packing sows 82.75 to 3.25. Cattle, receipts 800: calves, 600; slaughter classes slow. undertone weak: steers mostly medium to good grades sell under $6.50: best heifabove $6.00: few early sales $4.00 to some cows $3.00 to 4.25: and cutters $1.75 to 2.75; steady. $7.00 down. Sheep, receipts 500; shorn lambs higher; bulk few $9.00 to 11.00; shorn ewes $3.00 4.25.

PITTSBURGH 7 PITTSBURGH, May Dept. Receipts 750: 16 generally steady; 84.20: 230 to 250 10 to 4.15: above 250 $3.75 to 4.00: $3.75 to 4.00; 82.75 to 3.25; SOWS Receipts 750; steady to 25c 255. 193, higher; more better grade steers yearlings $7.00 to 8.00: good $6.00 to 6.50; good fat cows 321 4.50; good beef bulls 83.50 Calves--Receipts 800; steady to 50c to 86.50 to 7.00. choice Sheep- -Receipts 1.800; stendy: few 241 shorn lambs 89.00 to 32 springers to 11.50; $8 shorn 85.50 down: choice shorn 84.50. CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, May S.

Agriculture)-Hogs-Receipts generally asking for 180 to 300 lbs; mostly 83.90. steadv. Cattle Receipts 1.350; calves, 800; steers with weight scarce, generally asking 10c higher, 84.00 180 to 300 lbs: mostly and bids 15c to 25c lower than largely $5.00 to Friday: 6.25; mostly $3.50 to lower, $3.85. down; hteady to weak. mostly $3.50 to lower, 83.85, down: 44 choice vealers steady; bulk, Receipts 900; slow with weaker undertone on new crop lambs; lots medium to $10.00 to good.

EAST BUFFALO BUFFALO. N. Y. May S. Department Agriculreceipts 4.400: active; Friday's average: desir180 $4.30 to 1.35: 250 to 240 84.25: mixed weights 140 to 280 84.15; 120 to $3.25 to 4.00.

Cattle, receipts early steer and yearling trade active: 25 to 50c higher; late sales on weights below MISCELLANEOUS PRICES N. Y. CURB EXCHANGE (By Thomson McKinnon) High Low Close Aluminum Co Am Am Ga6 Elec 23 Am Sup Pw Ark Nat Gas Asso Gas Elec 1 Atlas tUil Corp 12 Blue Ridge 2 Cities Service Comnw So War 5-16 Elec Bo Share Ford Motor Can Mot Eng Ltd 9 9 Ford Oil 61 Gulf Mead Johnson 55; asked 60 New Mont Min Niagara Hud Pwr Pennroad Vtc St Regis Pap of Indiana of Kentucky 16 United Founders 78 United Gas New United Lt Pw 3 3 United Verd Ex Utility Pw Lt CHICAGO STOCKS (By Thomson McKinnon) High Low Close Acme Steel 42 Warner Borg Butler Bros Berghoff 7 Chi Yellow Taxi 13 13 Com Edison 53 49 Chicago Contl Cord Houdaille Iron Fireman Libby McN 53 Lion Oil Loudon Packing 18 Crpn 30 Lynch Noblitt 8 13 Prima Co 16 Int 30 Tel Walgreen CHICAGO CURB (By Thomson McKinnon) High Low Close Fehr Engesser 90 85 87 Sterling 6 6 FOREIGN EXCHANGE (By Thomson McKinnon) Close Sterling $5.11 Call Money 1 per cent COTTON (By Thomson McKinnon) High Close January 11.68 11.50 11.07 March 11.78 11.64 11.78 May 11.20 11.06 11.20 July 11.33 11.16 11.32 October 11.49 11.31 11.48 December 11.60 11.43 11.59 Spot Cotton 11.45; 25 points up RAW SUGAR (By Thomson McKinnon) Close January 1.73 March 1.55 May 1.55 July 1.58 September 1.65 December 1.72 POTATOES CHICAGO, May 7. (AP) W. Dept.

Agr.) 155 cars; on track 294 cars; total U. S. shipments Saturday, 892 cars, Sunday 31 cars; old stock, steady, suppies moderate, demand trading on Idaho's moderate, other stock sow; sacked per cwt: Idaho russets U. S. No.

1, $1.50 to 1.60. New stock steady, supplies liberal, demand and trading moderate; sacked per Louisiana triumphs S. GROUP APPROVES INDUSTRY LOANS WASHINGTON, May (AP) A bill to create a $250,000,000 revolving fund in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for direct 5-year loans to industry was approved today by the senate banking committee. Meanwhile, the house banking committee was told in a letter from Chairman Jones of the RFC that President Roosevelt still favored letting the corporation make direct loans to industry. The new industrial loan bill was approved by the senate committee without a record vote.

950 about steady; strictly good 1,075 to 1.120 $8.15 to 8.25; bulk good offerings 750 to 1,050 $6.50 to 7.50: yearling heifers cows and bulls active; firm; fat cows $3.40 to 4.00; medium bulls $3.40 to 3.75. Calves. receipts 1,100 early sales $7.00 down; holding selections to $7.50. Sheep, receipts 4.600; lambs generally 25c lower; good to choice shorn offerings $9.15 to 9.35: top good to near choice shorn offerings $9.15 to 9.35: top good to near choice spring lambs $9.50 to 11.00. RED MEASLES IS SPREADING 18 New Cases Are Reported in One Week: Issue Warning Concern over a threatened epidemic of red measles was expressed in the city health department Monday morning when numerous case records began coming in.

Health officials pointed to 18 cases filed during the past week and to steady increase over previous weeks. The week preceding there were 14 cases, and three weeks ago only five. An epidemic of German measles is already in existence in Evansville, health officials reported. Hundreds of persons have become afflicted. No records are filed on German measles and the number of victims is unknown, although practically all of the physicians the city are busy giving treatments.

A real danger exists in the spreading of red measles, health officials said. For the entire year of 1933 only seven cases were reported. In 1931 when Evansville was swept by an epidemic of red measles, 1,706 cases were reported. Precautions should be taken by parents to prevent a repetition of such an epidemic this year, health authorities said. Persons who are afflicted should call a doctor immedlately and not venture, outdoors.

Children are to enter homes or play with other children who have the disease. City health department records show that 25 cases of red measles were reported for April. FEAR 80 POTASH MINERS TRAPPED MUELLHEIM, BADEN, GERMANY, May miners trapped in the Buggingen potash mine when fire broke out in the diggings today, were feared lost result of spread of deadly fumes through the mine. The fire started one-half mile underground when a wooden supporting pillar gave way and short circuited the electric system, The dry timbers burst into flame. NEW YORK NEW YORK, May -Receipts, 7,005, easier; creamery, higher than extra to extra (92 score) 24 first (89-91) to seconds unquoted; centralized (90 score) to No.

1, $2,10 to 2.50; Texas fine quality $2.75. METALS NEW YORK, May -Copper quiet; electrolytic spot and future; Blue Eagle, tin steady; spot and nearby, future, lead steady; spot New York, East St. Louis, $4.10. PEPPERMINT OIL NEW YORK, May -Peppermint oil, natural, growers' prime f. 0.

b. Indiana and Michigan, $2.10 to 2.15. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE FIGHT IT! Garlic Parsley are known the world over for their therapeutic value. Definite clinical researches PROVE Garlic actually LOWERS blood pressure. Little's Garlic Parsley Tablets offer all the healthful value of fresh Garlic with NONE of the objections Parsley neutralizes Garlic odor, 80 no one need know you have taken it.

Trial size (50 tablets) $1. Regular size (300 tablets) $4.50. Each includes FREE authentic Dietary, List of inestimable value. list alone, 10c in stamps). Mail your order TODAY.

LITTLE COMPANY. 612 N. Michigan Dept. 45, ROSEDALE East Side Today Tomorrow EDDIE CANTOR in "ROMAN SCANDALS" Regular Prices: Adults 15c Children 10c WOOL Let Evansville's leading wool market be of service to you. Full market value, correct grading and weight assured.

Swift Co. Harriet and Morgan Sts. PHONE 8997 TAX PAYERS can conveniently arrange with CHARTER a loan to pay their taxes, accumulated bills, make necessary home repairs or for any other worthy need. LOANS $30 TO $300 made quickly on your own signature and security--no outside signers needed. Complete Privacy--Convenient Repayments Charter Finance Corporation 108 N.

W. FOURTH ST. PHONE 7209 Out of the High Rent District! MY POLICY: Selected, class jewelry and diafirst monds, at very reasonable prices. Courtesy and Credit Given PHONE 2-0222 AUG. H.


W. J. UTZ, 0. D. OPEN Reg.

EVENINGS Opt. No. UNTIL 753 in 8 P. M. Charge of Optical SATURDAYS Dept.

9 P. M. OBITUARIES JACK FREDERICK BURKE, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto C.

Burke, 914 Washington arenue, who died at 1:10 p. m. Sunday at Deaconess bafhospital of fled an medical science, will be buried abdominal trouble that Oak Hill cemetery, following fuin services 2:30 p. m. Wednesneral, with the Rev.

Bernard P. day, Smith in charge. Jack, an honor at Bosse high school, was stricken October 3, 1932. He underwent an emergency operation, and since then he had undergone two other major operations, one at the Mayo chnic at Rochester, Minn. Jack carried on his high school work while bedfast.

He completed four high school credits and was carrying work in two subjects when he died. His grades in the work which he completed white bedfast were excellent. MRS. MARY J. LACER, 71, who died at 7:30 p.

m. Saturday at her home, 715 North Main street, will be buried in Maple Grove cemetery in Boonville following funeral services at 1 p. m. Tuesday at the home. She is survived by four sons, William and Claude Lacer of this city; Gurley of Boonville, and Loren Lacer of Los Angeles, five daughters, Mrs.

Helen Hamilton, Mrs. Rachel Simmons, Mrs. Cordie Milan, and Mrs. Clara Broshears, all of this city, and Mrs. Lana Meyerbacher of Boonville Grant Hedge, 70, HAZLETON, Florence Bell and Orville Hedge, of Evansville, who died Sunday, to be buried Tuesday in Vincennes.


WILLIAM ROSE, 50, who died at 12:45 p. m. Sunday at her home, 1114 First avenue, following a lingering illness, will be buried in Locust Hill cemetery, following funeral services at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the home, with the Rev.

Carl Berges in charge. She is survived by the husband, three sons, William, Gus and Arthur; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt; a sister, Mrs. Clara Kassling, and three grandchildren, all of this city.

ROMEO GERARD, 63, rural route No. 1, Howell, who died at WelbornWalker hospital at 11:30 a. m. Sunday, was buried in Locust Hill cemetery, following funeral services at 3 p. m.

Monday at the McCord and Alexander funeral chapel. He is survived by three sons, Gilbert of Los Angeles, and Melvin and James, at home, and a brother, Richard, of Ironwood, Mich. HENRY GOEDDE, 82, died at 12:30 a. m. Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs.

Joseph Schmidt. 2208 West Delaware street. Other survivors are three sons, Henry and Joseph of St. Wendel. and Peter of WOOL WANTED We are strictly wool merchants, direct mill representatives F.

H. KLUGA co. 6 S. E. Riverside Ph.

3-1082 POULTRY and EGGS WANTED! TOP MARKET IN CASH! 433 MEARS' Corner Walnut 5th the city: A daughter, Mrs. Joseph Spahn, city; A brother, Frank, of St. Wendel, sister, Mrs. Joseph Wendel, and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 7:30 a.

Wednesday at a. m. at the Wendel Catholic the home of the, son, Joseph, and 8 church, with burial in the church cemetery. MAY WILSON, who died Sunday at A West Point, was to be brought to Evansville Monday afternoon, and was to be taken to the Schaefer funeral chapel for funeral services And burial. JOE SCHENK SAYS: FOLKS: Beginning today we have a special price for baby chicks hatched in May.

We have: a fine lot of one and two week old chicks on hand now and also Brooder Stoves, Feeders and Water Founts. Schenk's Hatcheries Inc. COR. MARKET BOND STS. PHONE 4974 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA WM.

F. KANOWSKY Democrat, for County Assessor A resident of Evansville and the West Side for 40 years. In the furniture and upholstery business for 27 years with his brother, Frank, former bailiff of Circuit Court. A reputation that is above reproach. First time to aspire to a political office.

Ballot No. 50 (Paid Political Advertisem*nt) to S. Continuous 1 to 11 P. M. LOEW'S Mat.

15c, 25c, 10c TODAY, TUES. WED. Eve. 25c, 35c, 15c Kiddies TODAY, Tuesday Wednesday WE DO OUt BING? SE When a job-can wife falls blame down on CANO her you a map for taking blonde poison You 1 sing PER and songs praises GINGER ROGERS for weeks! WARREN WILMARI MART ASTOR NEIGHSOR less pen tells you "LOVE REMINDS ME Ben Mechts merci THY MOON" the truth about de BLUE dected husbands! IN "ONCE 1 NOT DRESSING FEATURETTES Brevity "Morocco Nights" Crosby Cartoon Pepper Pot IT'S SPARKLING CAROLE LOMBARD Latest Movietonews AND GEORGE GRACE ETHEL MERMAN LEON ERROR Thurs. "MANDALAY" BING SINGS AND THEY ALL FALL IN LOVE! HIGHEST PRICES JUNIOR FEATURES for your Song Cartoon M-G-M All Star Comedy CREAM "Next Metrotonews Week End" THURSDAY FRIDAY ONLY AMERICAN DAIRY 00.

AMOS 'N' ANDY 700 E. Missouri Phone 2-7172 IN PERSON 83 As 4.25. 3112 4412 "There's lots o' difference between bein' ENTITLED to an office and bein' QUALIFIED fer -Abe Martin. My QUALIFICATIONS for COUNTY Born in Evansville, active in its development. 2.

Twenty-five years exacting business experience. 3. Personal integrity. 4. Economy, efficiency and courtesy.

5. NO OBLIGATIONS personal or POLITICAL. For SERVICE VOTE for CHARLES M. FRISSE Democratic Candidate for VANDERBURGH COUNTY TREASURER Tuesday May 8 BALLOT NO. 32 Paid Political Adv.

68 401. 430, 46 6.50 151 Ward Warner Mary.

The Evansville Journal from Evansville, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.