The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)

1 1 1 1 to Wednesday, October 2. LA CROSSE TRIBUNE AND LEADER-PRESS PAGE ELEVEN WANT ADS CLASSIFIED WANT AD. RATES Under any classification cents word for each insertion. No per single insertion for less than A MONTHLY RATE of ty-Ave cents. $1.50 per line per month is made than on three standing lines Nothing less accepted orders under to this discontinue adver All tisem*nts must at made the office.

writing The Tribune and Leader-Press personal call not be responsible for telephone cancel. The Tribune and Leader- Press lations. will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect insertion of any advertisem*nt ordered for more than time. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS for the Sunday Press will be accepted o'clock for cation up to eight Saturday night, TELEPHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS more an convenient to you and as this is Tribune and accommodation service the Press expects payment promptly 071 receipt of bill. names do not Persons whose appear in either the must Directory send or Telephone Directory advertisem*nts.

casb with their UNION COUNCIL FRATERNAL NOTICES EAGLES ATTENTION CARD PARTY and WALTZ NIGHT TONIGHT Card party starts at 8 o'clock sharp. FOUR PRIZES. Admission 50c per couple. "For members and invited guests only." Xx Frontier Lodge No. 45 F.

A. M. Special Communication THURSDAY, Oct. 22, 7:30 P.M. Work on E.

A. Degree. Talk Grand Master John E. Langdon. FRIDAY, Oct.

23, 3:00 P. M. Work on M. M. Degree; 6:30 dinner.

Work to be conferred by Past Grand Master B. F. Keeler. L. C.

HIRSHHEIMER, W. M. There will be a regular. meeting of Smith Council No. 10 TONIGHT, 7:30 o'clock.

A. RASMUSSEN, T. I. M. WANTED--MALE HELP MEN WANTED as testers in Wisconsin cow testing associations.

Should be at least 20 years of age with some dairy training or experience. Write for appointment. B. G. Paulson, 818 Pine La Crosse, Wis.

Phone 1190-R. TWO MEN wanted. No experience required. Must be satisfied to earn $25.00 to $30.00 per week to start. while learning.

Apply Thursday 9 a. and 7:30 p. m. 404 Rivoli Bldg. WANTED Young man over twentyone who would like to qualify for executive accounting position.

Write 8-372. care Tribune. Give age and telephone number. WANTED--First class electrician. Fitzpatrick Electric Co.

WANTED--FEMALE HELP RELIABLE educated Christian woman for employment connected with kindergarten and primary work. teaching. Salary $90. Give telephone. References.

Write Box V-376, Tribune and Leader- Press. LADIES- I can help you pay for that new winter coat by few hours, work each day. Pleasant work. Easy, to learn. See Mrs.

Howard, Room 216, La Crosse hotel. Office hours 2 to 5 p. m. WOMAN for general housework. One who can go home nights.

1706 Madison street. COMPETENT maid for general housework. Mrs. D. Cunningham, 1508 Main.

WANTED- Girl general houseMrs. Chas. Colman, 411 So. 16th. WANTED- Neat woman for cleaning washing.

113 So. 17th. DISHWASHER wanted. Viroqua CofShop. 201 Pearl.

EXPERIENCED girl for general houseSo. 15th. COUNTER GIRL wanted. 514 Copeland Ave. Good wages.

DINING room girl. Coffee 201 Pearl. for general housework. 2121-A. WANTED- Dishwasher at 201 So.

Front. SHORT ORDER COOk wanted. Novelty Lunch. WANTED- Maid. La Crosse hospital.

SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN- For city work and travel. State money, Bldg. pay every week. 10 2 11 1 Big 312-314 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED- cash paid weekly with part expenses for men and women to take orders for guaranteed nursery stock. Experience unnecOutfit free.

Write The Wauwatosa, Wis. Help Wanted-Male and Female CAN USE two or three more neat appearing women to act as special representatives during our Friendship sale. See Mr. Phillips between 5 and 6 or to 10. China department, Doerflinger's.

FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -Dwelling containing two fats. Will sacrifice It taken before Nov. 1st, or will sell terms. Telephone 406.

City Treasurer or 2079-A. J. Geo. Schweizer. FOR SALE-8-room house.

All mod: ern. On lot and half, Garage. quire 1528 Park Ave. 6 28 FOR SALE modern bunga: low with full basem*nt, Call at 313 No. 21 St.

7 6 tr FIVE-ROOM house, furnace and lights. 2117 Reasonable for quick sale. George. FOR SALE-5-room all modern house. Call 1447-R.

10 11 20 FOR SALE ash and SALE soft Dry second growth FOR oak, white birch. 12-in. maple oak kindling block and Phone 2661-M. Wm. Buchner.

10 wood. FOR SALE- Bed, springs, mattresses, 1 7 8 11 reed lavatory, baby buggy, brass other bubbler drinking fountain and cuspidors, articles. 221 No. 7th. SALE Glass door wall cases, ofFOR fice furniture and small safe.

Linker sacrifice. Leaving town at once. 202 Will Bldg. FOR for lawn SALE and Good rotten cow manure manure and black shrubs. Also garden dirt.

Phone 3868-M or 1358-R. 10 5 11 FOR SALE 3 oil burner stove burner oven, one burner gas stove, one and No. gas plate, one 8x9 tent. 4th. FOR SALE bowls Cheap.

Stanchions, Continental engines, cream stalls, separators. Mig. 10 11 11 10 C. F. ADAMS 613 Copeland Ave.

Phone 2343-Green. Household goods. Easy terms. Joe Gross, Rep. FOR for six SALE Balkite battery charger volt batteries.

Like new. $12.00. 426 No. 9th St. FOR 11 SALE months.

Registered Guernsey bull, Good record. Joseph Johns, R. 1, La Crosse. FOR SALE Hard and soft coal heater, laundry stoves, cook stoves and ranges. 2408 George.

FOR SALE Laurel soft coal heater. new. 822 Avon St. after 4 p. m.

Like or black Lawn and garden manure, dirt and clay. Call Ed. Mashek. 10 10 11 9 FOR SALE- -Conway piano, mahogany case. First class condition.

911 So. 10th. MAN'S HEAVY brown overcoat. Good condition. 206 So.

7th or call 2553-A. FOR SALE- One hard coal stove. 107 No. 3rd. La Crosse Glove Factory.

FOR SALE- New Favorite large size hard coal stove. 1001 South 5th. FOR SALE- Complete bed electric heater. Cheap. 817 So.

Third St. SOFT COAL heater for sale. Like new. 1024 South 6th. Call 1245-M.

FOR SALE--Soft coal heater in good condition. Inquire 319 Pine. FOR SALE- Round dining room table. Good condition. 1468 Kane.

FOR SALE Lady's black coat, size 40. 2183-R. 415 Ferry. BIRCH, Fuel WOOD Co. for Phone fire 319.

places. Tenne1834-M or call at 831 Avon. ELECTRIC washer for sale. FOR SALE -Splendid Stewart hard coal heater. 1 Liberty St.

HARD co*kE, heater. Excellent condition. 2144-Black. FOR SALE Gray hair seal fur coat, size 36. 108 No.

9th. BASE BURNER and range for sale. 225 861-M. DRESSED chicken for Sunday dinner. 26w14.

COLE'S HOT BLAST heater for sale. Call 3352-R. FOR SALE- -Blue reed stroller, $10.00. 2133 Cass. FOR SALE -Player piano.

1516 Ferry. 2nd flat. TWO SOFT coal heaters for sale. 709 Avon. KITCHEN range for sale.

1016 South 4th. FOR SALE coat. 140 So. 9th. MAN'S OVERCOAT-217 No.

8th. AUTOMOBILES CREDIT company will sacrifice 1925 Overland coupe sedan. Splendid condition. Price $400 cash or terms. Phone 331 or 212 Rivoli Bldg.

WE REPAIR frozen and leaky radiators, wrecked bodies and fenders. La Crosse Auto Radiator Service, 108 So. 2nd. Phone 313. DUCO EXPERTLY applied at La Crosse Duco Shop, 213-217 South Front street.

Phone 433. Only one Duco, du Pont Duco. 10 11 11 10 USED CAR BARGAINS One Dodge Touring car. One Studebaker Touring car. One Oldsmobile Six Touring car.

These cars must be sold regardless of price. 421 State Phone 1898-A. AUTO PAINTING-25 years' experience. Wrecked bodies, bent fenders, repaired. Voigt Mfg.

218-228 So. 2nd. 5 19 tr USED TIRE and tube sale. Ford size. other sizes $2.

Reliance Tire Shop, 409 So. 3rd. Used cars bought and sold. 10 9 11 8 BATTERIES charged 50c. Rental batteries 15c day.

Service Garage, 1821 Madison 2634-R. AUTO PAINTING as it should be done Balzer's Paint Shop. 2389-A. 12th and So. Ave 10 10 11 9 The finest wrecker and the most reliable mechanics at your service day or night.

WEIHAUPT-SAVAGE CO. Opp. Market Square. Phone No. 3.

FOR SALE-1922 Chevrolet touring. Cheap. 1716 Winnebago. Phone 1737-C. CARS WASHED- Open or closed, $1.50.

West Ave. Vine Garage, 1211 Vine St. TON TRUCK for sale at a bargain. Schilling Paper Co. AUTO STORAGE $2.50 to $4 per month.

Call 479. 10 7 tf FOR SALE -Maxwell touring $50.00. 1448 Caledonia. CUT RATE SHIPPING CUT FREIGHT RATES on household goods to the Pacific Coast and other points. For particulars write The Boyd Transfer Storage Minneapolis.

11 1 tr SEWING MACHINES ALL MAKES of sewing machines repaired. All parts on Kathary hand. and New Mero and Sewing Machine Shop. 318 Pearl St. used machines sold.

Phone 670. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS on hand to loan on improved Crosse real estate. See me. J. La L.

Pettingill, Batavian Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On Farms and City Property, FUNDS ALWAYS ON HAND NO DELAY. The Safest Investment is a Real Estate Mortgage. WE HAVE FARM AND CITY LOANS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. Come in and Investigate.

Mortgages Bought and Sold. W. J. HICKISCH SONS S. Fourth.

La Crosse, Wis. 203 MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. Newburg Fries: Niebuhr Agency, 303-312 10 17 Bldg, WANT TO BUY RAGS. PAPER, iron, metals, prices sacks, paid. barrels, etc.

Highest Phone us before selling. 11 tf 2293-M. 10 WANT TO BUY- Five or six-room lohouse. Modern. State price and cation.

Write Y-379, Tribune. WE BUY clothing and furniture We will at call. good 9 29 10 29 prices. Phone 1484-A. WANTED TO BUY--Brown reed ferngood condition.

Write T-373, Tribune. WANTED TO BUY Some straw. Call Harry Hanson. 3352-R. Situation Wanted--Male WANTED Job as truck driver.

Phone 1580-A. WANTED Employment. Lock Box 448. FOR RENT -ROOMS NICELY heated, close in room to rent. girls or man and wife.

Use of kitchenette and parlor if desired. Call rate 5 afternoons and 7 to 8 evenings. N. 3rd St. FRONT ROOM for rent.

Private en- 214 trance. Would consider board. 117 9th. Phone 702-C. Suitable for housekeeping apartment.

We SPLENDID two ladies or married couple. 905 Main St. 10 6 tf RENT--Nice large city heated front room suitable for two. 612 Phone 2838-M. RENT -Furnished light housekeeping rooms.

City heated. 4th. Upstairs. and RENT- Modern sleeping room with bourd $6.50 per week. Close in.

Phone 914-C. LARGE warm modern room with two beds. Suitable for four young men. Market. RENT--Large front room.

Modhome. 120 North 11th. Phone rings. THREE clean well furnished city heated rooms. $38.00 per month.

3303-M. FURNISHED room. Modern. For two. Reasonable.

811 Badger. Phone 1106-C. RENT- Large modern furnished room suitable for two. 923 Division. CITY HEATED room for rent.

329 Pearl. Phone 810-A or 1358-M. RENT- Large furnished city heated rooms. 720 Cass street. NEWLY furnished room.

Modern. In private family. 1401 Ferry. HEATED light housekeeping rooms. 321 Cameron Ave.

VERY DESIRABLE city heated rooms. Reasonable. 508 Main St. RENT- Large cheated sleeping room. 130 South 10th.

NEWLY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 420 South 6th. SLEEPING and light housekeeping rooms. 627 Vine. NICELY furnished rooms.

Phone 2924-C. 513 King. LARGE city heated sleeping: room. 612 in King. CITY HEATED front room.

132 So. 9th. MODERN furnished room. 517 South ed 4th. ROOMS for men.

Reasonable. 706 So. 4th. CITY HEATED modern room. 219 So.

5th. For Rent- and Flats FOR RENT--Upper or lower flat. 1402 Madison street. Telephone 406, City Treasurer, or 2079-A. J.

Geo. Schweizer. FOR RENT- lower flat, $12.00 and four-room upper flat, $8.00 Denton street. 408 So. 7th.

FOR RENT-4-room flat, $11. Modern except heat. 119 Pearl, Inquire L. Nathenson 115 Pearl. FOR RENT- Choice modern five-room furnished or unfurnished flat.

Adults. Inquire 148 West Ave. So. ALL MODERN six-room house. 1415 Market.

For rent from Nov. 1st. Inquire 1327 Market. flat. decorated with heat, light and water.

303 West Ave. North. FOR RENT-6-room strictly modern furnished or unfurnished flat. Call Rose. FOR RENT-Five-room cottage, partly modern.

912 La Crosse. Call 1715-A. FOR RENT- City heated 5-room upper duplex and garage. Phone 2934-M. ONE FOUR-ROOM furnished flat.

Also FOR RENT-5-room modern house with two unfurnished rooms. a 500 No. 4th. heat. Inquire Liberty Confectionery.

Seventh. ROOM Close in. Call 1530 Main. modern house. 124 North CITY HEATED modern five-room upper duplex and garage.

Phone 2934-M. FOR RENT-6-room house. 325 Market St. Inquire 1249 West Ave. So.

FURNISHED modern upper flat. Four rooms and bath. Call 2063-R. FOR with RENT-7-room 1418 Jackson. modern house garage.

FOR RENT--Five-room house. 1611 Avon. Phone 1252-C. ROOMS upstairs. Modern except heat.

1025 Redfield. ALL MODERN heated apartment. Adults. 915 Pine. SMALL upper flat for rent.

Furnace heat. W. D. Babb. FOR RENT -House.

629 So. 8th. Inquire 8th. ROOM flat. 425 No.

6th. Call 3320-Blue. FOR RENT- -House with garage. 1 Phone 2317-A. FLAT AFOR RENT-811 Rose.

Call 1817-M. FOR RENT-5-room house. 2101 So. 16th. 8th.

ROOM upper apartment. 827 So. house. 408 N. 9th.

ROOM For RentSTORE FOR 10th and La Crosse Sts. Excellent location for barber shop. Inquire Schilling Paper Front and Main Sts. FURNISHED office. Batavian Bank Building.

Six months. S. W. Anderson. LARGE hall suitable for dances, lodges, etc.

Phone 1791-C. FOR RENT Garage. 1426 Ferry. FOR RENT Garage. 216 No.

7th. HALE STORE 318 Pearl St. GARAGE at 816 Winnebago. LOST AND FOUND LOST- -Guernsey milk cow, color red white; white legs half way up behind and part way down above the hoofs in front. Finder please notify John H.

Newberg, route 2, Bangor, Wis. LOST- Gold octagon wrist watch on black ribbon between 1227 Winnebago and 1715 Badger streets. Call 939-C evenings. Liberal reward. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- -Yellow and white pet angora cat.

Call 245 or return to C. G. Hickisch, 828 Vine. Reward. LOST- Pair of child's glasses in case at Washington school.

Reward if returned to Mrs. Stone, 1525 Main. Phone 736-C. LOST- -Between bus station and Fifth and State pocketbook containing $6.40. Return to Tribune.

Reward. LOST- Balloon tire with tire rack, 11- cense plate and tail light attached. Write 1- I-361, Tribune. Reward. LOST- Small calfskin purse containing money and slips owner's name.

Reward. Call 2727-A. LOST- -Boston bull dog. Answers to name "Buster." License No. 2864.

Return 312 No. 7th. Reward. LOST- New black under arm purse containing money, calling cards, etc. Reward.

Call 2940-R. PARTY who found brief case return to 235 So. 7th for reward between 6 and. 7 tonight. LOST Lady's new shoe on road to French Island.

Return to Tribune. Reward. LOST- Chinese silver rosary in silver case. Return to 629 King. Reward.

CONTra 316 Airedale No. pup, 15th 3 St. months or 1065-M. old. ReLOST- Tire on rim 32x4.

Nearly new. Call 1898-A or 421 State. Reward. FOUND- Tire on rim. Inquire Cook and Harris, La Crescent, Minn.

FOUND -Lady's purse. Call at Tribune and identify. WANT TO RENT WANTED -By elderly lady rooms, bath and board. Write M-366. Tribune.

MISCELLANEOUS LONG DISTANCE hauiing a specialty. Expert furniture and piano moving. Hansen Dray Line, Phone 1340. successor 10 to 11 tf Hansen and Lane. WE SPECIALIZE in moving furniture and pianos.

Get our long distance rate. Schultz Dray Line. Phone 1031. 9 25 10 24 $10.00 PER MONTES purchase starts housekeeping. tr Boyer-Furber Furniture 18 FOR CEMENT and brick work, chimney building and repairing call 1220-R.

FURNITURE refinishing. Balzer's Paint 12th and So. Ave. 10 10 11 9 FOR CHIMNEY building and roof painting call 787-C. 21 10 20 DRESSMAKING Phone 1482-A.

BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE- Small grocery and confectionery store. Address Q-370, care Tribune. MEAT MARKET and grocery store for sale. Write X-378, Tribune. TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS RENTFirst class machines.

Special ished free. Delivery free. Satisfaction to students. Typists guide Underwood Typewriter Rivoli Bldg. Phone 11 2 TYPEWRITERS rented and sold on easy terms.

1 month, 2 months, $5.00: 3 months, months, $8.00. deliver free. We buy and sell typewriters. See us first 605 Main. STORAGE HOUSEHOLD goods and merchandise Packing and shipping.

Phone 492. La Crosse Terminal Warehouse Front King St. 6 14 tr CLEAN AND DRY storage: furniture packed and shipped, by experienced furniture packers. Tillman Bros. 6 16 tr TRADE SCHOOLS GIRLS- VOMEN, 18 up.

U. S. government month. List positions free. Write immediately.

Franklin Institute, Dept. 708-N, Rochester, N. Y. 10 11 Sun 11 1 FOR SALE- FARMS FOR SALE Good side hill farm eight miles from La Crosse, near main road. 50 acres under plow.

Good buildings. With machinery $6,000. Would trade in house in La Crosse. Phone 2875-Red. POULTRY AND PETS FOR SALE Choice Plymouth Rock pullets cheap.

E. W. Tyler, French Island. FOR SALE First class medium size rabbit hound. Call 1134-M or 610 So.

3rd. said of Town of Holland. in County La Crosse, settlement deceased. and allowance. of his for the adjust- ment, final as such executor and for the assignment of the residue of the estate deceased persons as are entitled to the same.

By order of the Court, JOHN BRINDLEY. County Judge. McCONNELL SCHWEIZER, Attorneys for Executor. SUMMONS State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, La Crosse County. Lillian Elderman, Plaintiff, vs.

James Elderman, of Defendant. Wisconsin, to the said The State Defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and defend afore- the entitled action in the court above of your failure 30 to said. judgment will be rendered against and in case do. to the demand of the according of which a copy is herewith complaint, served upon LAWRENCE J.

BRODY. Plaintiff's Attorney. O. Address: Rivoli La Crosse, Wis. 408 LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Wisconsin--In Bankruptcy.

To the creditors of Robert L. Pomeroy, of Ingram. in the County of Rusk, formerly of the Town of South Fork, the County of Rusk, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, That on the 20th day of October, A. D.

1925, the said Robert L. Pomeroy was duly adjudicatbankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the City of Eau Claire, in the County of Eau Claire, at the U. S. Court Room, Postoffice Building, on the 3rd day of November, A. D.

1925, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. An order may be made regarding the sale of the assets at the first meeting. Dated October 20th, 1925. C. L.

BALDWIN. Referee in Bankruptcy, La Crosse, Wisconsin. THOMAS HASS. Attorneys for Bankrupt, Ladysmith, Wisconsin. Your claim must be sworn to on' a regular bankruptcy blank, which you can get at any law office.

No interest allowed unless computed to date of adjudication. Not necessary for creditors to attend meeting in person. SUMMONS State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, La Crosse County, Clara Dupee, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Dupce, Defendant.

The State of Wisconsin to the said Defendant. You are hereby to appear within twenty days summoned, service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend above entitled action in the court aforesaid: in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon you. LAWRENCE J. BRODY, Plaintiff's Attorney. P.

O. Address: 408 Rivoli La Crosse, Wis. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Grading The undersigned Board of Public Works of the City of La Crosse will receive sealed proposals at its offices in the City Hall of said city until two o'clock the afternoon of the 29th day of October, 1925, for providing and performing all necessary work, labor and material to fully complete in all and every detail the grading of the alley lying between Main and State streets and extending from 23rd street west 150 feet. The estimated excavation is 252.1 Cubic Yards. The bidder will state in his proposal the price for which he agrees to do the work.

at a lump sum for the entirc work, said price to cover the completion of the work in all particulars and in accordance, with the plans and specifications prepared therefore by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the Board. The work shall commence at once upon the letting of the contract and shall be fully completed on or before November 21st, 1925, the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works. In addition to the usual covenants the contract be entered into shall provide that the contractor shall to cover injury to his employees carry accident and liability insurance in a responsible insurance company to be approved by the Board. Proposals shall be addressed to the Board of Public Works and must be accompanied by a certified check in an of the City Charter, ordinances and reed, A a contract will be executed. amount equal to five per cent of the bid conditioned that if such bid is acceptAttention is called to the provisions solutions adopted by the Common Council relating to bids for City contracts.

The right is reserved to reject or accept any and all bids. Dated this 19th day of October, 1925. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. By W. J.


Commissioners. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District of Wisconsin--In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Peter N. Finstad, of the Town of Martell, in the County of Pierce, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, that on the 21st day October.

A. D. 1925, the said Peter N. Finstad was duly adjudicated bankrupt; that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the City of Claire, in the County of Eau Claire, at the U. S.

Court Room, Postoffice Building, on the 3rd day o'clock of November, A. D. 1925. at ten in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such ether business as may properly come before said meeting. An order may be made regarding sale of the assets at the first meeting.

Dated October 21st, 1925. L. BALDWIN, Referee in HADDOW. Bankruptcy, La Crosse, Wis. Attorney for Bankrupt, Ellsworth, Wisconsin.

Your claim must be sworn to on a regular bankruptey blank, which you can get at any law office. No interest allowed unless computed to date of adjudication. Not necessary for creditors to attend meeting in person. Notice of Application to County Court State of Wisconsin, County Court, La Crosse County, Probate. Notice is hereby given that at a special term of the County Court, to be held in and for said County, at the Court House, in the City of La Crosse, in said County, on the second Tuesday, being the 10th day of November, A.

D. 1925, at 10 o'clock A. following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Frank Leske, Executor of the last will and testament of Augusta Leske, said late of of the MINNEAPOLIS FLAX MINNEAPOLIS, -(A. -Flax No. 1, $2.53 to $2.57.


With speculative confidence restored the absence of wild gigrations in the motor shares, buying was quietly resumed in many sections of the list on the basis of favorable business developments. These included further curtailment of oil output, continued heavy freight traffic together with higher railway earnings and the prospective maintenance of easy money rates as a result of heavy importations of gold. High priced shares were advanced rapidly, gains of two to five points being recorded in the first half hour by United States Cast Iron Pipe, which again sold at 200, General Railway Signal, Continental Insurance and General Electric. Rail and oil issues, however, were the real centers of trading interest, with advances of one to two points embracing Union Pacific, New York Central, Southern Railway, Norfolk and Western, Marland and Pacific Oils, General Asphalt and Atlantic Refining, United States Rubber jumped three points to a new high in response to rising tire prices. Foreign exchanges were easy, although sterling was unchanged at $4.83 and 15-16.

closing was firm. Sales approximated 2,400,000 shares. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET CHICAG attention to tradgiving special a report quoting the secretary of agriculture as saying it seems probable the market has already discounted all bearish factors in the wheat situation this year, wheat values an early swing upward Wednesday. An unexpected advance. in prices at Liverpool tended further to strengthen the market here.

Besides, 'estimates were current which increased by 68,400,000 bushels the probable import requirements of Europe. Chicago opening prices, to higher, new style, December to $1.47 and May to were followed by moderate further gains, December and May $1.44. Subsequently, the market underwent a decided setback. Advices at hand indicated that threshing was was general in Canada, and there considerable notice taken of the heavy increase in the wheat acreage of the exporting countries. Corn and oats were upheld by the strength of wheat.

After opening unchanged to higher, December the corn market scored a slight general advance, but then reacted to about the same Tuesday's finish. Oats started" at a shade to gain, December to and held near to initial figures. Provisions were without material change. CHICAGO GRAIN RANGE WHEAT Open High Low Close Dec. 146 May 144 142 CORNDec.

75 74 May 79 79 78 OATS Dec. 39 39 39 May 43 RYEDec. May 801 LARDOct. 15.37 15.47 15.30 15.30 Nov. 14.32 14.47 14.30 14.30 RIBS Oct.

15.50 BELLIES Oct. 15.95 Nov. 15.50 CASH GRAIN AND PROVISIONS CHICAGO, No. hard, to Corn--No. 2 mixed, to No.

yellow, to c. Oats- No. 2 white, to No. white, to 40c. Rye- No.

2, 82 Barley-64 to 76c. Timothy to $7.25. Clover Lard- Riba- Bellies- CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO. -(A. ButterHigher; 5,494 tubs: creamery extras, 49c; standarde, extra firsts.

47 to 48c; firsts, 45 to 460; seconds, 43 to 44c. Eggs 2,873 cases; firsts, 41 to 430: ordinary firsts, 32 to 38c; extras, 48 to 49c. Unchanged. Poultry--Alive, higher: 9 cars: fowls, 16 to 24c; springs, turkeys, 25c; roosters, 17c; ducks, 20c; geese, 19c. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, (A.

Potatoes91. cars; total United States shipments, trading fair; market firm; Wisconsin and Minnesota sacked round Good Opportunities to invest in real estate. 12-room house brick paved street, close, in, all modern heat, lot. Owner has been taking in over $100 per month besides using seven rooms for themselves. Price $4,750.

10-room duplex, close in, all modern, with two furnaces and garage, $6,000. 10-room duplex on State St. In best condition, full lot and garage, two hot water heating plants, $8,500. All those owners want to sell because they intend to move south. LA CROSSE LAND CO.

Room 7, Continental Bldg. MUDD CENTER FOLKS BY SMALL AN' MY NEW FALSE AN' THERE'S A LETTERI TEETH IS DUE T'DAY- FROM MY NIECE IN THET WOMAN OUGHTER T' DAY'S MAIL! BE FIRED! AN' I DRUV W4 MILE FER MY MAIL ORDER CATALOG. a CLOSED Yo Miss AUNT FANNY BUZZ, POST MISTRESS OF MUDD. CENTER, PICKED OUT A BAD DAY TO SHOP IN THE CITY FOR A FALL HAT. 1925 BY NEA SERVICE, ING, $2.50 to Wisconsin bulk whites, whites, $2.30 to Minnesota and North Dakota sacked Red River Ohios, $3.00 to Idaho sacked russets, $3.00 to $3.15.

MADISON POTATOES, CABBAGE AND ONIONS MADISON, United States Bureau of Markets- Potatoes- -Waupaca -Haulings moderate, demand and trading active, market firm. car lots delivered, round whites No. 1, $2.30 to $2.40. Warehouse cash to growers, bulk round whites No. points, at Waupaca, other Wisconsin $1.70 to $2.15.

Car lot shipments, United States. 1,214 cars. Cabbage- Kenosha and RacineHaulings moderate, demand and trading limited, market steady, prices changed. Car lot shipments, United States, 216 cars: Visconsin, 91 cars. Onions -Kenosha and Racine- Demand and trading moderate.

Market steady, prices unchanged. Car lots f. b. yellow and red varieties United States Grade No. 1.

$1.90 to $2.00. Total car lot. shipments for United States during past 24 hours, 179; 3 cars. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, United States Department of Agriculture- -Hogs Receipts slow; mostly steady at Tuesday's average; big packers tive: bulk desirable to 200 pound weight, $11.50 to better 140 to 150 pound kind largely $11.60 to top, bulk packing sows, $9.70 to $10.10: majority better strong weight killing pigs, $11.75 to heavy weight hogs, $11.30 to medium. $11.55 to light, $11.15 to light lights, $11.00 to packing sows, $9.35 to slaughter pigs, $11.25 to $12.00.

Cattle Receipts 15.000: sales beef steers steady; weighty kind fairly active: others and westerns sluggish; tending lower; early top matured steers, weighty westerns upward to $10.50: she stock slow. steady; bologna bulls steady to strong: vealers steady to 25e off: largely $11.00 $11.50 to packers; few, stockers and feeders firm. Sheep Receipts 18.000: fat lambs slow steady to 25c higher: advance on shipping account; few loads of natives to shippers, $15.25 10 others, $14.75 to feeding lambs strong; early sales of choice light kind. $15.75 to few sales fat native ewes fully steady at bulk, $6.50 to $7.75. MILWAUKER PRODUCE MILWAUKEE Wis standards, ButterSteady; extras, Steady: 41 to: 436.

Poultry- Steady; fowls 22c: Firm: $2.00 to ere. Potatoes- $2.23. Onions Firm: $1.75 to $2.00. Cabbage Weak: $9.00 to $10.00. FOR SALE House at 2704 South possession at once, nearly new.

Priced for quick sale and cash, $3,350. L. A. Kenneda. Holmen, Wis.

The Beautiful Distantone 5 Tube Radio MODEL THE RADIO that was the talk of -the New York Radio I Show. Complete with all accessories, installed $97.75. Will perform equal to any 5-tube set on the market. Harold E. Brown 125 No.

Third St. Open Evenings. Phone 463. OLDEST RADIO STORE IN LA CROSSE Attractive dealer proposition still open in some towns surrounding la Crosse..

The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.