The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)

Friday, June 26 LA CROSSE TRIBUNE AND LEADER-PRESS PAGE SEVEN VIROQUA DOCTOR MARRIES GIRL AT MINERAL POINT Fawcett-Hales Nuptials Event of Saturday at Home of the Bride VIROQUA, Wis the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Hales of Mineral Point, at o'clock Saturday evening, June 20, da charming wedding solemnizel uniting marriage their daughter, Miss Ellen B.

Hales, and Dr. A. M. Fawcett, only son of Mr. and Mrs.

C. G. Fawcett of Viroqua. The service was read by Rev. A.

H. Schoenfeld. To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march the bridal party took its place in the living room before a beautiful setting of ferns, daisies and lavender larkspur which banked the mantle. Large candelabras added much beauty of the scene. White ribbons stretched from the mantle to the standards at each side.

During the service, Mr. George S. Cuthbertson of Oak Park, sang "I Know a Lovely Garden" "At Dawning." The bride's gown ivory gette made in tunic style embroidered in sequins and crystals. She wore a Brussels point lace veil with a coronet of pearls, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. lilies of the valley and orchids.

She had as her maid of honor Illinois. Miss She Evelyn wore Nelson of Freeport, a combination dress of lavender georgette and crepe de chine. The bridesmaids included the Misses Bernice Fawcett of Viroqua, Miss Helen of Highland Park, Jilinois, Miss Edith Phillips, Elgin, Illinois, and Beatrice Wearne of Moline, Illinois. The train bearers were the Misses Jean and Marjorie Huxtable, daughters of Dr. and Mrs.

H. S. Huxtable, of Mineral Point. Miss Virginia Kepner of Rochelle, Illinois, girl. The groom had as his best man.

Dr. A. D. of Viroqua. The out of town guests included Mr.

and Mrs. G. G. Faweett, Miss Bernice Fawcett and Dr. A.

D. Fortney of Viroqua; Mrs. I. C. Downs of Kansas City, Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Nelson and daughter, Evelyn, of Freeport, Mrs. Leo Lahre of Rockford, 111.: Mr.

and Mrs. of C. E. Kepner and daughter, Virginia, Rochelle, Miss Edith Phillips, Elgin, Miss Helen Gray, Highland Park: Mr' and Mrs. L.

Lodders. Madison, Mr. and Mrs. G. Richmond, Lodi, Mrs.

Shepherd, Platteville; Mr. and Carrie. James Wearne and daughter, Beatrice, of Moline, Miss Betty Dunbar, Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. E.

Pfleger, Milwaukee. Miss Geneva Schoenfeld. Elkhorn, Mr. George Cuthbertson. Oak Park, After the ceremony the bridal couple left for EL honeymoon to be spent at lake resorts in western Michigan.

The bride is a graduate of Beloit college and National Kindergarten and Elem college. The groom is a graduate of Marquette university, also attending Lawrence college. For the past two years he has been located at Mineral Point aS a dentist. Dr. and Mrs.

Fawcett will reside at 1515 Taylor avenue, Racine, Wis. Band Surprises Brown On Wednesday evening Otto Brown, director of the Viroqua and Westby bands, was given a delightful surprise by the Westby band in token of high esteem in which they hold their leader. The Westhy band under direction of Mr. Brown won second place in the state band contest held at Viroqua. The band came to Viroqua and after serenading and Mrs.

Brown, took them to Westby where an elabcrate banquet served in their honor. Miss Iva Fisher is home from Cudahy, Wis, where she taught school during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Kingsley of this city recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their children. Mrs. Nellie Tupor of Mason City.

Iowa. STONE'S SUCCESSOR AIDED IN ORGANIZING BANK -William P. Pren-1 ter, who succeeds the late Warren S. Stone as acting president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, is one of the quietest but most influential men in the labor movement. today.

As first vice president and treasurer of the brotherhood, he has been in full charge of all financial arrangementhe for, years, brotherhood's and the co expansion bank into a $140,000.000 institution as much his work as it was Stone's, Prenter was born in Philadelphia. He moved to the northwest at an early age and became a fireman on the Canadian Pacific railroad. After serving his rad apprenticeship he became an engineer, and graduated into the executive ranks of the brotherhood some 25 years ago. Quiet and uncommunicative, he never attained the national prominence that Stone knew, but when the brotherhood began expand its banking activities, gaining a foothold first in Cleveland, later in New York, and then many other cities, Prenter was the man behind the scenes who did a good share of the planning. He is now the oldest ranking officer in the brotherhood, and at the time of Stone's death was cashier of the bank, H.

of Milwaukee and R. A. Kingsley, Viroqua with their N. families were all present for the occasion. A large number of local Knights of Pythias were entertained at Evansville on Saturday evening by the Knights of that city.

Attorney Frank, F. Wolfgram, Mrs. Wolfgram William, are guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Wolfgram. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. R.

E. Wolfgram entertained in their honor at a family diner praty. Miss Esther Wolfgram, who teaches in the them Milwaukee for schools, returned home with her summer vacation Mrs. R. E.

Wolfgram and son, Alston, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence of La Crosse. Mrs. Charles Brewer of La Farge is a guest at the home of her brother, Rollin Marshall, and family.

The Mesdames William Aikins and Perry Cowden are home from Sheboygan where they attended a Woman's Relief Corps convention as delegates from the Viroqua Corps. Mrs. A. L. Davidson and daughter, Pauline, of La Farge were guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Jocelyn and family of Deerfield were guests during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morrison. Mr.

and Mrs. Carver and daughter, Patricia. left Viroqua Wednesday for Ohio where they will spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Ben Tollefson and daughter of Minot.

South Dakota, were recent at the Home of the former's sister, Mrs. Oscar Larson, and family. A merchant fleet corporation has been organized in Warsaw. Poland, to establish water service between Danzig, Hamburg, Amsterdam and London. Westinghouse Batteries $8.50 and Up---See Us LINKER ELECTRIC CO.

Phone 398. A Glorious Trip West and Back for $77.30 You can travel to the Pacific Northwest and back on the famous "Olympian" now at this greatly reduced fare. Travel the way you will see the most and enjoy the most- -via Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul. Electrified through the mountains.

observation cars. Famous "Milwaukee" meals and service. Grand Circle Tour of all the -Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles choice of direct routes returning, for $10153 Let Our Travel Experts Serve You TO CHICAGO SOUND Passenger J. H. Phone and Rossbach 76 Ticket Agent MILWAUKEE La Crosse, Wis.

AND ST.PAUL ELECTRIFIED Chicago Paul Railway 1406-406 TO PUCET SOUND ELECTRIFIED NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Selected bids will be received on or before 10 o'clock A. M. July 2nd, 1925 at the office of George H. Gordon, President, No. 311 Main Street, City, by the La Crosse Inter-State Fair Association, for the construction of two Horse Barns, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Parkinson Dockendorff, Architects, La Crosse, Wis.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check payable to the La Crosse Inter-State Fair Association in the sum of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Any Contractor being awarded the contract for constructing the two barns will be required to furnish a Surety Bond, for the full amount of his bid. The Fair Association will reserve the right to accept any or reject any of all proposals or bids filed. (Signed) C. S.

VAN AUKEN, Secretary. Dated June 25th 1925, La Crosse, Wisconsin. of the construction of several culverts and a bridge on newly relocated highNo. 12 above Black River Falls. way Leonard Smith of Galesville was in town on Monday, On account of the high water the river in bottoms are under water and the North Bend traffic to West Salem goes via, Mrs.

Melrose. P. Olson is at the Lutheran hospital in La Crosse recovering from an operation. Charles Johnson of Shake Hollow died on Saturday. He had been in poor health for some time.

The funeral was held on Tuesday with burial in Beaver Creek. Warren Smith was a visitor at the Twin Cities last week. Mrs. Eva Bourne teok advantage of the reduced railway fare on home seekers' excursion and went to Ismay, Montana, Ito visit her children there. She will be gone about weeks.

Miss Lizzie Douglas has finished her three year course in the La Crosse normale She will teach at Westby. Strawberries are not very, plenty this year. Mrs. Oscart Olson Shake Hollow, William Smith of Red School House Talley. and Claude Wenzel are selling crates.

Ned Millard brought in the first blueberries this week. Mrs. Jo Bibby has been at St. Mary's hospital in Sparta where she was operated upon for the removal of a tumor in her neck. She is getting along nicely.

Mrs. Bernice Erickson and baby of Bangor visited at P. Olson's the first of the week. John Anderson is doing some interior decorating at the high school. Olaf Howard is assisting him.

county board convention was held at Black River Falls last Saturday. Those who attended from this A Double "co*ke" With Lemon Seems to be a favorite demand these days. Of course, there are other cooling drinks, toolots of them. Your choice awaits you. The Elite 412 MAIN ST.

WILLIAM-P. PRENTER Prenter is 68. He lives in a comfortable home here with his wife and daughter. His subordinates describe him as a man who works 12 hours a day and shuns publicity. MELROSE NEWS MELROSE- Lydia Ralston and son, Spencer, motored to Fremont with her sister, Mrs.

Grace Rehling, and children who have been visiting in Melrose. Mrs. Mier and Mrs. Hazel Griswold of Alma Center were visitors in town on Wednesday. Mr.

Mier came to see about reorganizing the Melrose band. W. Wyman of Granton was in Melrose on Wednesday. He lived in Melrose when a small boy. The family moved away about twenty-five years ago.

The fill near Herman Stern was about half washed away during the recent rains, a part of the stone culvert going out. P. Johnson the job of repairing it. He is putting in a concrete chute. Charles Nordstrum, who has been taking treatments at the Grandview hospital in La Crosse, has returned home for a few days' visit.

His mother-in-law. Mrs. Beck, of Sparta is staying at the Nordstrum home during his absence. Miss Geraldine Ralston, who taught In the St. Croix Falls High school, is home for the summer vacation.

William and Bert Westfall motored near Eau Claire on Sunday to visit their sister, Mrs. tarles Thompson. N. C. McKay will have supervision For healthful complexions eat foods made with CALUMET THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Its greater leavening strength means light bakings- perfect digestion SALES TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND (Pronounced Gul-BRAN-sen) CULBRANSEN The Registering Piano was Their Wedding Gift.

A Gulbransen Registering Piano How thoughtful those who give How fortunate the happy couple who receive For twice-blessed is the home in which the Gulbransen is appointed to provide the music! The best in piano-music-easily played No tiresome fingering No years of study Macho long practice. Music of your own choosing as of want whenever you want it personally played, as you would have it played, with your own expression and feeling. Other forms of musical entertainment are short-lived. Other possessions pall and pass. But your enjoyment of the Gulbransen is uninterrupted, permanent.

It knows neither time nor season the Gulbransen you give or own today is good for a life-time of usefulness. And more. It can be handed down as a heritage to the children The first Gulbransens made are still in good playing condition! START THE DAY WITH MUSIC FOUR MODELS NATIONALLY PRICED $450 $530 $615 $700 Fred Leithold Piano Co. 325 MAIN ST. part of the county were: Ubbe Anderson of Hardscrabble school: Mrs.

Ida Trondson and L. W. Ryder of North Bend school; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark of Mill Creek school: Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Kirby and Mrs. George Rommel of the Red School House Valley; Earl Ostrandler of the West Indie school: Mrs. M. J.

Polleys of the and Melrose High school: Cornel Rogness Andrew Insteness Highland school in Shake Hollow: Nelson of the Plummer school, and Joe Bruley of Ox Bow. Prof. George Dick of Madison and Dr. Bowman of the state health: department were present. Mrs.

Claus Walquist of New Richmond is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 1 Henry Zeilsdorf. Ernest Cotton has purchased the Phil Bartlett home E. D. Bartlett has charge of the property since P.

B. Bartlett moved to Sparta. Mrs. Cornelius Olson of Beaver Creek died on Friday at the home of her son. Olaf.

She has been bedridden for more than thirty years. When first stricken she was unable to walk but could be propped up in bed and could work with her hands, but for many years she has been entirely helpless. The funeral was held Tuesday with burial in Beaver Creek. John Anderson motored to the Falls on Saturday with his daughter, Eula, who took the noon train for Milwaukee where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. Mertie Wright.

Lawrence Somerv lle, son of William Somerville, of the Red School House Valley, was married to Miss Eunice of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stetzer. daughter, The Stetzer, bride is a Mrs. Hamilton.

who lives with her graduate daughter, Higgins, the is visiting McGilvray at Black River Falls at home. Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear at prices sure to please. SPURGEON'S. A 1 Street Crosse SATURDAY-9 A.M. to 1 P.

M. 4-Hour Sale of Dresses and Coats AN $10, $15, $19 and $25 values Odd Dresses and Coats from our regular stock for quick clearance. They are Silk and Cloth Dresses suitable for street, afternoon, school and business. These garments sold in the regular way from $10 to $25. Saturday from 9 to.

1. Delightful Place in Which to Shop." SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY, JUNE 27th, 28th, 29th To each customer buying one or more gallons of Red Top Motor Oil All you have to do is to drive over, buy a gallon can, or have your crank case drained and refilled with RED TOP MOTOR OIL at the regular price and we will give you a one-half gallon tourist supply can of RED TOP MOTOR OIL FREE This offer includes Red Top Medium, Heavy and our well known RED TOP SPECIAL OIL FOR FORDS. Guaranteed to stop the chatter and lubricate the motor properly. JACOBSON SERVICE STATION 611 Clinton Street, North La Crosse, Wis..

The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.