The Unexpected Backrooms - fiona_pudding (2024)

As I lay back in my outdoor lounge chair, the sun sets with a pastel hue, covering the entirety of the sky in pink. The day is almost done, and I am tired after my workday. Alas, I must keep it up for the rest of the week - only a few more days to go until I get to fully relax for little to no time, then to begin the long cycle of work again. It never ends - it feels like a massive loop I'm trapped in, like a mouse running a circuit board knowing he will die if he stops. I need money to keep coming in or it's the end for me like those lab mice who are no longer useful for their experiments.

I take the evening air in as I pack up my chair to head inside. The fresh air makes me sleepy, guaranteeing me a good night's rest. Upon arriving inside, I place my chair against the wall closest to my patio door and make my way upstairs. I get undressed and change from my work clothes to comfortable pyjamas, brush my teeth and wash my face, and gather my phone as I pull open my bed covers and hop in. I scroll endlessly on Twitter as I watch numerous newscasts about ongoing issues in the world, fuelling my dopamine that makes me yearn for more. I watch for what feels like forever as I drift off to sleep.


I wake up, my body tingly but well rested, though a bit uneasy. It's too early to get up, and I don't want to go to work. I don't want to deal with my annoying boss and incompetent coworkers who can barely get anything right yet act like they're some sort of developing prodigy awaiting for some "right time" to give it their all, when deep down, I know they're a bunch of lazy pricks. Actually, they're lazy and massive losers and nobodies. I wish I could work elsewhere and learn my real purpose...




Where am I?

There is nothing but yellow. Yellow walls, yellow carpets, piercing lights. All yellow. Am I dreaming? I pinch myself. Ouch, no, I'm not.

"Is this real?" Wow, that echoed. I can't echo in my imagination, though this sure is something if I actually have one again.

My room is gone... but my bed is still here. Why can't my desk be too?

This is weird. Very weird. I'm really weirded out right now. Okay, I'm going to try something.

I take a deep breath in and try to fall back asleep. I give it time, but I wake up and I'm still there.

What the heck? How? Okay, that didn't work. I'll just try again.

Urgh! I'm still here! I'm going to be late for work if I can't return to my room! Third times the charm!


Wow, I slept for a while - WHAT THE HECK?! I am in disbelief. My boss is really going to hand it to me for this one. There's no way he'd believe what my excuse is either; that I was stuck in some yellow room. I'd most likely be sent to a psych ward and become jobless. That can't happen, it really can't.

I guess sleeping won't work, but what if I break open the walls? That might do something. I get out of my bed, carefully setting my feet down on the carpet. It feels soggy and old as my feet soak it in like memory foam. I then deliberately walk over and prepare my hands as they ball up into fists as I charge towards the wall.

BOOM! I fall onto the ground, the wall remaining fully intact. I try again, and again, and again, my knuckles bleeding and sore as I do more damage to myself than the wall. It remains as is, so I give up. I then try moving my bed and jumping on it to reach the ceiling tiles. I almost got it, almost... oh no.

I heard something.

I'm not alone.

If I'm not alone...

who is there?

I pause my escape plan and sit silently as I listen. I then hear nothing. Confused, I resumed again until the noise came back.




I quickly get lifted into the air.





Ouch... I hurt all over... yet I'm still here? Wow, I thought I was going to die for some reason. I guess I got lucky, though.

But what was that screaming? It definitely wasn't me, though I don't appreciate being thrown in the air and hitting the floor by surprise. Either way, I am certainly not alone. Something is here and it went after me, but I don't even understand why I'm here. What did I do to get put in some strange yellow room? Someone else could be put here, like one of my coworkers... No time to think about that now - I need to get out of here - I'll investigate later and resume my ceiling reaching attempts instead. I gather myself as I recognize my position on the floor and get up, but my bed is gone.


I am responded by silence. I sit awkwardly waiting, then seeing a back creature, built slender with wires surrounding its small body and limbs, the head as well with a small but unsettling build. I am shuddering now. It looks blood hungry, and if it sees me, I might become food. I think this is the thing that attacked me before - there's no doubt that it is.

My body shoots up, my legs carrying me fast as I start running in the opposite direction. My adrenaline gets me going as I hold in my screams, terrified for my life. I jut down several halls and directions, appearing lost but continuing to move. I am by myself, though the monster lurks somewhere, waiting. I then think to check for my phone to dial 911, but it is not in my pocket. I'm screwed, very screwed. There's no bed, no weapons, nothing to protect myself. I think I'm going insane.

I ran down one last corner before stopping to catch my breath, almost losing my balance. I look in all directions before confirming I can sit down. I keep looking all around me as I cross my legs, forming into a ball. At this point, I don't even care that this monster gets me. Maybe I'm here for a reason. Maybe it all makes sense now. It can eat me - it can kill me. I'd rather die than go insane. I think this moment would be with me for good if I survived - no one would believe me either. I rock back and forth, uneasy and scared. Living would suck but dying would suck too, now that I think about it.


I wait for a long time, yet the time feels still despite continually passing. Maybe time doesn't exist here - I have many questions. Curious, I get up and walk around, slowly examining the repetitive walls patterning of yellow sequences and flooring as I pace myself down a few hallways. With no deeming results, I look down at my feet as I walk wherever they take me. I keep going, walking, walking, walking. I have no idea where I am anymore, until I see one hall that is darker. This piques my interest, so I dart towards it, excited then scared again as I think about that slender monster.

The hall takes me to something I have been awaiting: an exit. My eyes sparkle with delight as I walk towards it to touch the knob, but I feel like I am being watched. My hand is on the knob and I am ready to turn it. I take a deep breath, turning around one last time. Nothing is there. Phew. Well, that was not fun. Time to go home! I turn the knob, until... I feel nothing.

My head buzzes, my vision spinning of every colour. I can't think, yet I am thinking. I don't know what's happening to me, but it feels like I am being shaken to the core. I hear a strange voice ringing.

Ŷ̷̡̫̪o̵̬̣͊̈́u̶̙͈̗̾͗̍ ̶̧̒ẃ̷̨̞̬ĩ̷̢͎͂̉ľ̴̞̙̏l̵̩͋̌ ̸͇̃n̵̼̉̌o̸͎̟̓t̵͚͚͇͑̈́ ̴̡͕͑̍͝ĺ̴͈̦̲͘ę̷͙̎̽͊ả̶̲̣͓̑̎v̸͇̑̐̓e̸͖̝̮͘.̷̰̝̰͐̆
Y̵̰̍̐͋ǫ̶̯̙̤̉͌̎ͅu̴̪̞̯͚͗͒ ̸̡̕w̴̢̼͓̯͓̞̾͊́̋̉ị̵̙͈͇͛̍͜l̶̫̥̮͓̫͉͗l̷̪̗͍̄̓͆͂̇́̔ͅ ̴̜̔̑̅n̵͉͒õ̶̤͉͚͍̫̥͔t̴̽͌̓͜͠ ̶̰̿l̷͕̘̥̐̿̂̿̚͝ȩ̶̰̠̠͖͉̂̇̍͐̀́͘ả̸̜͘v̶̡̼̇̑͑̈̄̌̚ẻ̴̲̦̯̱̳̀̈́͆.̸̜̞̫̜̮̭̖͑
Ý̴̛̗̼̥̯̤̗͔̟̟̏̀̃̚̕o̵͙̖̾́̆̑̅́̃ṹ̸͚̣͔̝̬̠̩̮̗̪̅̃̿̒͌̀͜ ̶͓͙͇̬͈̮͛̌̓͝ȁ̷̳̠͙̲̺͇͂͗̒̅́̀̀̕͜͝͠ͅr̸̤̒̈́̊͌͂͗̾͒̽ȩ̶̩̤͓̹̲͎̾͆̈́̚͜ ̶̛̯̺̃̿̾̎͋͗̐̓̔̔m̶̧̧̹̟͖̓͂̕i̴͍̝̘̐̀̽̈̈̒̚͝n̵̡̤̹̟̹̩̫̻̽̔̕͠ẻ̴̛̖̠̗̰ͅͅ

I can make out sounds but I am otherwise unsure of their meaning. I am more focused on living this out, until, I am dropped hard again on the floor, though not hard enough to make me unconscious. I readjust and try shaking it off as my vision continues to spin, though the monster still remains in my sight. Words form out of my mouth spontaneously: "Why... am... I here?" I say drowsily, trying to keep my focus on the monster glaring at me with its unsettling eyes. It does nothing but stare into my soul, almost like it knows what I am feeling. I get sceptical though since it's been acting unreasonably cruel to me. I start to worry again that it wants to eat or kill me, so I say something more: "Also, I'm not food, so leave me alone. Eat the indestructible walls or memory foam floor for all I care." Irritated, I crawl against the wall and lean as a massive headache comes over me. The monster keeps looking at me, though taking in what I say. I am overly confused until it starts to come close to me again. I feel like running, yet it begins to talk, though intelligibly.

"Don't leave. I am lonely and want to play," it says sombrely.

"What? Play? You almost killed me! Throwing me around? That's not 'playing' at all!"

"Oh, you did fall asleep when I tried to play."

"Fall asleep? You knocked me unconscious when I was trying to leave this horrible place! Get your mind set straight!"

It pauses and stares at me intently. I am breathing heavy. "What are you? Some destroying machine out to get me? Oh, please! I have a life I need to get back to! Destroy someone else!"

"I just want to play."

"I don't care! I don't want to 'play' at all!" I am agitated, my body shaking and my face red. The monster walks away without a word, making whirring noises to itself. What a strange thing.

I now decide to get up and head towards the exit again. I take no time to look and turn the doorknob. It opens to a whole other place.

Why am I outside now? In the dark? Wait, one second, oh, excellent!

I look back and see that I am facing a familiar location: my old local university's study building. Worried to check the door I came from, I stepped away, until it turned into running. I go down the sidewalk and pass many other familiar buildings until I am stopped by a woman in a lab coat.

"Could you wait briefly? I need to ask you a few questions about your experience." I am more confused than ever. Where did this come from?

"Who are you?"

"I am Mallory Oliver and you signed up for my psychological study on the brain and apeirophobia."

"No, I didn't. I just went to bed and woke up in a strange room of rooms and got nearly killed. Jeez, how unethical."

"What is your name? We have many participants."


"Okay, Desmond, and your email address?"

"I can't give out my work email to just anyone."

"We just ask to make sure."

"And I'm sure I never signed up for anything wacko like this."

"Well... that is unfortunate. Perhaps it was a mistake. Would you still like to be included in the analysis?"

"No! I'm more worried about my boss. He is going to be mad to know that I randomly decided to not show up to work."

"Don't worry, Desmond, he knows." I am very creeped out now.

"Excuse me, what?"

"Desmond, you were meant for this study as well as many others from your workplace with a highly induced stress level and a mindset of dislike for many aspects including those around them. You were all perfect candidates and your boss agreed to include you all in this study. You-"

"Hold on a minute! You're telling me my boss just took a bunch of people for a study without asking us?"

"Supposedly so."

"Man, I... don't know what to think. I can't trust the guy any longer, wow. Anyway, I have a question for you: why was there a monster wanting 'to play' and throwing me around? That felt awful."

"You would not be killed in an experiment. Our programmed robots resemble children who are clingy to our candidates to help them become relaxed and empathetic to a situation you might have experienced in the past, resembling nostalgic times when you were in that position."

"Yeah, no, that thing was creepy."

"You are not a fan of children?" She is confused now.

"That thing is nothing close to a child. It had bloodthirsty eyes and a body of wires. That thing is going to haunt me forever."

"Desmond, that does not sound like something we use in our studies. Rather, they look more human-like. That has to be some sort of mistake." She takes out her clipboard and looks at me again while jotting down some notes. Maybe it's best she does because this situation is insane.

"I will take a look at what you described through our monitoring cameras. Any more questions?"

"Yeah, where is my bed and belongings why did I end up there instead of my room in the morning?"

"Though it seems you were signed up against your will, you would have signed a contract to understand that you will be transported upon your house with your bed and that all your belongings will be safe at their original location. We include and take away the bed to see how this changes the stress level of our candidates as well as the way they react to their surroundings. Worry not - the bed is transported back to the given address it came from."

"Okay, wow, this is all crazy. I mean, what the heck? My boss just... I can't even. I'm going to sue his ass for this and I am going to receive proper earnings for it!" Determined, I look at Mallory as she glances back. Unamused, she continues jotting notes on her clipboard paper while nodding to herself. She then looks up after a few minutes and responds.

"I'll look and see what you have told me about. Thank you for your insight," she says neutrally. "That is all I need for now, though if you give me your email address or phone number, I can follow up on the matter if you would like."

"Yes, I would absolutely want to know because I deserve something in return for this."


Upon giving Mallory my phone number, I thanked her for her time but signed myself up to see a psychologist, firstly for my work troubles and secondly after that monster. I also promised to visit the hospital tomorrow to get my head checked out for any trauma. I said good night and prepared to take the late night bus home to sleep soundly and not wake up in the supposed 'backrooms' experiment, as she called it. She nodded goodbye and headed towards her car upon giving me final information.


The next day, I took time to relax after going to the hospital, fortunately having no visible head trauma or further issues to be concerned about. I didn't put any care into my boss at all, just laying back and relaxing, but also taking true care of myself for what felt like the first time in forever. Relieved, I knew what I was going to do the next day, and I was looking forward to it. I prepared to sound professional but knew deep down it was the right thing to resign from my job. Maybe Mallory is right, that my stress levels are at an extreme; that maybe I should put more work into the things I enjoy and to find a healthier job. It's for the best that I do so, for my own well-being. I'm still thinking about suing my boss though, but it's honestly more work than I anticipated, for I have no knowledge around law as an office worker. Maybe it's best I let it go... unless I get something from it. Oh, well. I've got to job search after a few weeks of relaxation.

Sleeping has been a bit difficult at first since I would worry that I would wake up in a place that isn't my room, but I think about it less now. In fact, it makes me grateful to have such a comfy bed to sleep in - such small things have great resemblance now. Though I was signed up for a crazy experiment against my will, maybe it's best that it happened, because it made me recognize things I've never really thought of before. I mean, life is good! It's also good to have got answers from Mallory about the monster, because I was right. Something was wrong, and it too involved the boss, but I don't need to know more than that because he got arrested and needs to appear in court for many things anyway! Taking apart the robot to its inner guts and reprogramming it against the university's will was one of them... He'll never live these down. How embarrassing for him! In my case, though, I am in a far better position. I can't wait to see what will happen, but, for now, I will relax outside in my lounge chair and watch the sun set in the sky.

The Unexpected Backrooms - fiona_pudding (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.