Utage Menu/Stat Displays (2025)


  • 1 Main Menu
  • 2 Character Stat Displays
  • 3 Stages
  • 4 Japan's Event Mode
  • 5 Difficulty Menu
  • 6 Preperation Screen
  • 7 Items
  • 8 Options Menu

Main Menu[]

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (1)

A: Story Mode

-Simple to navigate. Pick a character. Do the stages. Free mode-only characters are unlocked through this mode. A special Versus Mode setting is available upon unlocking all characters.

B: Unification Mode

-Slightly trickier but still simple. Upon selecting this mode you will be given a choice of two different sub-modes. The first (on the left) is standard. The second (on the right) has you bet on who the last army standing, besides yourself, will be. You'll be selecting territory to attack which you will take over upon completion. The CPU will be doing the same until only you and one other army remains. Defeating that army clears the mode.

Note: If you choose the second option (i.e. betting which army will be left besides yours) note the number under the warlords picture, which is either white (Healthy/Strong) or yellow (Weak, this army is close to being defeated). Therefore you should place your bet on an army that has a number in white.

C: Japan's Event Mode

-Clear various challenges divided into sets. Each set has a number of stages and each stage has a number of waves. Slightly tricky to navigate due to some slightly complex clear requirements on a select few. Difficulty is automatically set per mission.

D: Versus Mode

-Various types of VS battles both between two players and vs AI opponents. Unlocking all characters unlocks a new type of VS mode battle.

E: Free Mode

-Freely select a stage and character to play. All stages from Sengoku Basara 3 are unlocked by default. All but one stage can be unlocked via clearing story mode with characters. One stage can only be unlocked in Unification mode.

F: Gallery

-A gallery containing character bios, music, rankings character usage, total kills, etc) and Utage exclusive cutscenes. Ridiculously easy to navigate (pick a menu, see what it does).

G: Options Menu

-Adjust game settings (many can also be adjusted at the preperation/before battle screen as well as in the pause menu during battle).

Character Stat Displays[]

This is the basic character stat display you will see in a variety of modes at various places in the game, usually at character selection/preperation screens.

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (2)

A: The character's current level.

B: The character's current total Hit Points.

C: The character's current total attack power.

D: The character's current total defense.

E: The character's innate elemental attribute.

F: Total amount of currency (shared by all characters).

G: Total occupied territory (Unification Mode only).

The hit point, attack power and defense stats include both the characters innate values as well as values from equipped items and weapons which stay equipped on the characters between battles. The darker area of the bars (red for HP, yellow for attack and green for defense) demonstrate the innate values. The lighter areas show the value added from items/weapons.

Currency (often referred to as Zen or Zennys) is shared amongst all characters and can be acquired in nearly all modes.

Character's elemental attributes cannot be changed and can only be leveraged using certain elemental weapons except in a limited number of circumstances for some characters.


See: Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage Stages

Caution: Spoilers.

Japan's Event Mode[]

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (3)

A: Mission Number and name.

B: Mission difficulty (1 star = lowest. 5 = highest).

C: Current best clear time.

D: Currency awarded upon completion.

E: Allies awarded upon completion.

-Completing a mission that awards an ally already unlocked (either through SB3 sync or having completed the mission once before) raises that ally's rank to max.

Most missions are straightforward "defeat everything." One is "defeat everything within 100 seconds" which is still simple and comes down to the usual "defeat the everything." You can recognize this mission when you see a clock counting down from 100 in the corner (Mission 15 & 26).

The tricky ones are Missions 4 and 10.

The goal in stage 1 on Mission 4 is to defeat 200 enemies. Stage 2 is to get a 500 hit combo. Stage 3 is to knock off 10 pieces of armor (easily accomplished by using multi-hit moves). Stage 4 is to execute 3 parries (guard an attack at the last possible moment) which must be done before Kanbe's health is depleted (careful since parries do damage and Kanbe dies very easily).

The goal in stage 1 on Mission 10 is to defeat 200 enemies. Stage 2 is to get a 500 hit combo. Stage 3 is the trickiest. You must destroy a leg of the "Rising Sun" contraption you fight. It's not hard but trying to figure out the requisite is tricky if you don't know Japanese. Stage 4 is to execute 5 parries.

The last stage of each of those missions is to simply defeat the boss.

Difficulty Menu[]

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (4)

A: Normal Difficulty (Easy in Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes).

B: Hard Difficulty (Normal In Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes).

C: Ultimate Difficulty (Hard in Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes).

D: Basara Difficulty (Not in Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes).

-Basara Difficulty is unlocked by completing either a story mode campaign or a Unification campaign on Ultimate Difficulty. You will commonly be asked to select a difficulty upon completion of selecting a character. You can also reselect/change currently selected difficulty in some cases at the preperation screen by pressing Triangle.

Preperation Screen[]

See: Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage Preperation Screen


see: Sengoku Basara 3 Utage Items

Options Menu[]

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (5)

A: Game/Audio Options

B: Battle/Control Options

C: Save

D: Load

E: Save Data Sync

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (6)

1: BG Music Volume

2: SFX Volume

3: Voice Volume

4: Enemy Health Indicators (On/Off)

5: Auto Save (On/Off)

6: Auto Save Data Sync (On/Off)

7: Skip tutorials (On/Off)

-Tutorials are the menu pop-ups that appear during gameplay that tell you what to do in a given battle.

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (7)

1: Vertical Camera Nomal/Inverted

-The image displays the 'inverted" setting.

2: Horizontal Camera Normal/Inverted

-The image displays the "normal" setting.

3: Center Camera When Guarding (On/Off)

4: Guarding While Moving (Stops and Guards/Rolls)

-The image displays the "Rolls" setting.

5: Auto-Lock On (On/Off)

6: Button Config.

Apparently there is an additional menu option for the Wii version (information needed).

Utage Menu/Stat Displays (2025)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.