The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1971 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR rAGE 12 TV PKKYIKWS (All Program Listed on Standard Time) (II) Denote 7iirs in Itlavk and lute. TV TUESDAY Kadio Highlights 6 All In Family9 Is' Shocker 8 i "0 Morning IF Channel Chuckles By IUL KEANE ttr -v Sports 7:25 P.M., WIBCAM. WJMK-FM Basketball. Minnesota at Indiana. 9:15 P.M., WIRE Basketball.

Notre Dame versus Marquette. Music Ami Talk 10:00 A.M., WSMJ-FM-Billie Boucher. Miirgery Silbermann, public relations consultant, is guest. 6:00 P.M., WIAN-FM-Sec-ond Programme. A chamber music concert from the Library of Congress at 9:30 p.m.

will highlight the five-hour program of classical music. 8:00 P.M., WFMS-FM Symphony Hour. Mahler's Symphony No. 1, Delibes Ballet Music from "Coppelia" and "Sylvia." 11a 7:00 Todoy CBS Newi Zoo Tim IB) Panorama :30 Today CBS Nwe. Kindrgortn Cartoom 8:00 Today Kangaroo Kindergarten Cartoont :30 Today Kangaroo Mow Trop Cartoom 900 Virginia Graham Cofrea Cup Thoa.

Paul Dixon (B Topper :30 Virginia Graham CoHee Cup Theo. Paul Diioii LaLawna lrt 00 Dinah's Ploco CeHeo Cup Theo. Paul Dixon Lucy I Concentration Beverly Hillbilliei That Girl Movie Gome 11:00 Century Sale Family Affair Bewitched Girl Talk 1 :30 Squares Love Lire lyewitneis News News Afternoon WFBM U) WISH (8) WLW-I (13) WTTV (4) 1:00 Jeopordy Heart Is 50-50 Club Theater V30 Afternoon Search 50-50 Club Theater 1 :00 Afternoon Local News 50-50 Club (B) Matinee :30 Words Muiic World Turns Make A Deal (B) Matinee 2:00 Days of Our Lives Splendor Newlywed (B) Matinee :30 The Doctors Guiding Dating Gome (B) Matinee 3:00 Another World Secret Gen. Hospital Gourmet 3 0 Bright Promise Edge Night One Life (B) Lone Ranger 4:00 Another World Corner Pyle Dork Shadows Popeye ,30 Mike Doujlos (B) lorly Show Big Valley Popeye 5:00 Mike Douglas (B) Early Show Big Valley Batman :30 Mike Douglas (B) Eorly Show Dragnet (B) Addams Nighr WFBM (6) WISH (8) WLW-I (13) WTTV (4) 6:00 Early Report Big News Eyewitness News (B) Dick Von Dyke 30 Eorly Report Big News ABC News Daniel Boone 7:00 NBC News CBS News Beat Clock Daniel Boone :30 Don Knows Hillbillies Mod Squad Bosketbell 8:00 Don Knotts Green Acres Mod Squad Basketball :30 Juia Hee How Movie of Week Basketball 9:00 Tuesday Movie Hee Haw Movie of Week Basketball .30 Tuesday Movie In Family Movie of Week Basketball lfYOO Tuesday Movie 30 Minutes Bosketboll Basketball Tuesday Movie CBS News Spl. Bosketboll Bosketboll 1 1 :00 Final Report Local News Basketball Basketball 11:30 Tonight Late Show Bosketboll Locol News 10:00 Tonight Late Show Bosketboll Basketball I Tonight Late Show Basketball Bosketboll BEAU BRIDGES will be joined by his father Lloyd and brother Jeff on The Don Knotts Show at 7:30 tonight, WFBM-TV (6).

"We watched Dickens' Christmas Carol' and, as you can see, we've never been able to get rid of Marley's Ghost." a y's bext television shows as previewed nnd lected by staff of experts who watch screenings, attend rehearsals and analyze scripts in New York and Hollywood. 7:30 P.M. The Don Knotts Show. Don lists among his guests tonight the Bridges Family, father Lloyd and sons Beau and Jeff, making their first appearance together, and how's that for a TV first? Singers Nancy Wilson and Tommy Roe are Don's other guests. 8:30 P.M.

-Movie of the Week. "Assault on the Wayne" (1971). An excellent, detailed set and a competent cast of reliable actors give this routine espionage yarn set aboard a nuclear sub a special boost. Leonard Nimoy is all stiff-ness-and-orders as the commander of the sub who discovers that some members of his crew are working for a foreign power. The climax plays like a Hardy Boys' adventure, but action fans won't complain.

9:00 P.M. Tuesday Night at the Movies. "Secret Ceremony" (1968). The stars of this film Elizabeth Taylor, Mia Farrow and Robert Mitchum should be lure enough to make the adult viewer watch this muddled melodrama. The plot if it can be so simply called concerns a warped and wealthy Miss Farrow, who brings a blowsy Miss Taylor home as a substitute mother, not counting on the sudden appearance of stepfather Mitchum.

What goes on in this mad household cannot be described you have to see and hear for yourself. New scenes have been added for this "edited version, the expletives have been softened. Otherwise, the material is similar, and the cast, led by Carroll O'Connor, seems first-rate. 10:30 P.M. O-CBS News Special.

"Is Mercury a Menace?" Tune in for an interesting exploration of a subject of topical concern, the problem of mercury contamination of fish and ways in which to meet and control it. In addition to interviews with Hoosier William Ruckels-h a our environmental chief, and scientists involved in researching the field, a historical review reveals that as far back as 1953, illness from fish contamination by methyl mercury was discovered in Japan, and a similar experience was suffered in Sweden in the late '50s and early '60s. 10:30 P.M. -Thirty Minutes With (Premiere). Elliot L.

Richardson secretary of Health, Education, a Welfare, is the frist guest on this new weekly series of interviews with key personalities in the news. Elizabeth Drew, contributing editor for Atlantic magazine, will question Richardson. TV Sports 7:30 P.M. -Basketball. Minnesota at Indiana.

9:30 P.M. Basketball. Northwestern at Purdue. 10:00 P.M. CD NBA All-Star Game.

The 25th annual NBA All-Star basketball game from the International Sports Arena in San J)iego, Calif. Chris Schenkel and Jack Twy-man report the action. Other Features 11:30 P.M. Tonight Show. Yvonne De Carlo, Albert Brooks and William i i.

sy the television The Star Is time tor tit I sorry. service. This schedule Is compiles from Information rele late revisions in the program adieduhne and tall to aotify the event these lata program chenses Inconienionc you, we sr THIs TV los Is published ss I On occasion, TV stations make chaitot to nude in Hi los. Is Yourpresent medication maybe giving you only half the relief you need. TV SCENE for TV" version, and some of the more provocative ones have been deleted.

9:00 P.M. The Advocates. "Should the Congressional seniority system be abolished? From the House Ways and. Means Committee hearing room in the House of Representatives in Washington, the advocates and their witnesses argue the question pro and con. Political columnist Jack Anderson, Senator Robert Pack-wood and Representative Donald Fraser will join Advocate Howard Miller in support the proposal.

Political columnist James J. i 1 a trick, Representative Philip Crane and Professor Charles O. Jones of the University of Pittsburgh, take the negative position with Advocate William Rusher. 9:30 P.M. All in the Family (Premiere).

Blue-collar, worker Archie Bunker of Queens. New York, airs his prejudices during a family gathering, in this mid-season shocker based on a hit English TV series. cause unlike other leading calmatives, Quiet World contains a full dose of pain relievers to relieve physical aches, whils Quiet World's calmative and relaxant soothe away simple nervous tension. Special Will Poll The Country On Pressing National Problems If you suffer from occasional simple tension, chances are your tension is both mental and physical. there's a product that's made to relieve both.

It's called Quiet World. Quiet World is not a tranquilizer, Non-nar-. cotic, non-habit-forming Quiet World. For occasional simple tension that gets out of hand. but a simple calmative with a relaxant and a pain reliever.

That formula is important. Be The order of the show will have Harris himself giving his results on what the American people think, with the percentages being followed by Cooper's experts, analyzing them. "The show will have imme Movies diacy," Cooper maintains. "You will know today what the Amer ican people are thinking to day." 9:00 A.M. Wind to York, that he is worried about one thing: getting off the air on time.

The unique program hangs on a nation-wide survey which is being conducted just 36 hours before airtime by the Lou Harris polling organization. HARRIS is using an extra-large sample, some 3,000 interviews as compared to the usual 1.500, and will have all the results fed into computers by airtime Wednesday, according to Cooper. The four areas are: the economy, law and order, youth and war and peace. These, Harris' organization has broken down into questions, some of which already have been published in national news magazines. If the special is scccessful, By JULIA I.N.MAN FORTUNATELY TV producers are not required to appear on camera.

Otherwise when the National Polling Day special airs at 10 p.m. Wednesday night on WLWI-TV (13), Lester Cooper would be the man on the right, his hair out strand by strand. Cooper's task will be to coordinate a large national sample of public opinion on questions in four major areas of interest; eight experts (two apiece in each area); several live phone calls to other experts in the field; host Frank Reynolds and three ABC newsmen; and get all this into an hour that is live, live, live TV. While he maintains an air of complete calm about the whole show, Cooper did admit, in a telephone call from New Java" (1953), with Fred Mac- ABC may very well do a whole series of programs of this type. At any rate a second show has been set for April 7 with Whatever happened to the fallier-son lalU? four more questions.

Cooper hasn't decided yet just what they will be. Murray and Victor McLaglen. 1:00 P.M. "Screaming Eagles" (1956), with Martin Milner and Tom Tryon. 4:30 P.M.

"Brushfire" with John Ireland and Jo Morrow. 9:00 P.M. "Secret Ceremony" (1968), with Elizabeth Taylor, Mia Farrow and Rob While celebrating a wedding anniversary at a surprise brunch, Archie the bigot, sounds off on the church, race, sex, politics, and greeting card writers, arguing against his "bleeding heart son-in-law; who reacts emotionally. Mostly, this is a two-man confrontation, with dim-witted wife and kewpie-doll daughter looking on, designed to startle audiences by a kind of street-level frankness never before permitted on the living room screen in prime time. Compared to the English "THE FIRST Churchills" which bowed Sunday night is a worthy companion-piece for the stunning Forsythe Saga ert Mitchum.

which already has "hooked" many Indianapolis viewers, on Channel 20. 11:30 P.M. Crazy Horse" (1955), with Victor Mature and Ray Danton in the story of Crazy Horse, chief of the Sioux. THE WEATHER The shorter program about Sir Winston's illustrious ancestor, John and his brilliant Pala from NATIONAL WBATHBR SERVICE wife, Sarah, is part of an ambitious series called Master U.S. Pept.

or commerce fv.X.l nil Tuesday Radio WIRE-1430 Music and New-r24 Hours WBRI-1500 (Relioious Broadcasting) A am. to 5:45 p.m. WGEE-1590 6 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.' (ABC)- Music and News Ftgurtt Show HitjK Tamptraturn IxpexttxJ for Poytiw Tudoy Mc. (Music 10 am.

to 12 Midnight) (Indiana Central) Mc. a.m. to 11 p.m. Mc. Music and Nevs 24 Hour (Full Time Stereo) Mc.

Music and News 24 Hours (Full Time Stereo) Mc. a.m. to 1 m. (Full Time Stereo) Mc. Music and News 4:58 int.

to p.m. Mc. (Plairtfield Full Time Stereo) 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mc.

New hearing help llttJ FrrlttHet Nl twditott J-Cowiult Utql Fdrtcntt Ul piece Theater which will sample Henry James, Balzac and Dostoevsky before it's through. Alistair Cooke is the urbane host for the show and also is serving the useful purpose of killing time. The drama series was produced by the BBC-TV which has a very hazy regard for time, and the programs are of uneven length. Hence we had Cooke and a short filler following, all about Greek vases. AS COOKE pointed out, there were so many characters on the British political stage when Churchill first rose to the fore that it is difficult to keep track of them.

Some fast scene-changing in the opening hour keeps you on your toes to figure out who was who. Susan Hampshire, the Fleur of the Forsythe Saga plays Sarah, vivacious and adjusting to court wiles at age 16 when the drama begins. John Neville plays the future Duke of Marlborough who is preoccupied with making a name for himself in the French wars. The play jumped from the battlefield to the amorous doings at the court of Charles II and back again with a fast pace. Boiling things down a Actual lL if bize 'sW would I I you I Stereo) Greenfield Full Time (24 Hours) Snow is forecast today for the region extending from the Pacific Northwest through the northern plains states, and snow flurries are predicted for the North-' east from New York through Maine.

Showers are expected along the Pacific Coast. If will be cold in the northern portion of the nation and mild in the South. (AP Wirephoto Map) Outlook For Indiana (Thursday Through Saturday) Cloudy Thursday with snow likely in north mixed with rain and snow in central and chance of showers in south with generally colder weather. Partly cloudy and much colder on Friday with a chance of snow flurries in extreme north. Increasing cloudiness by late Friday night and Saturday, There is a chance of light snow in north for Saturday.

Highs on Thursday, 33-43 north and 43-55 south. Highs for Friday and Saturday, 26-37. Lows Thursday, 18-26 north and 26-32 south. Lows on Friday and Saturday, 10-20. A FREE DEMONSTRATION? A FREE FACT-FILLED BROCHURE? Yes, you can read about or even try the tiny, new "hideaway" Beltone Prelude on for size hear its "Clarity Controlled" tones.

Mc. Music end News 24 Hours Mc. Music and News 1:55 p.m. to Midnight Mc. Music and News 24 Hours (Full Time Stereo) Mc.

(Full Time Stereo) (24 Hours) AM TODAY WATI-810 Music ami News 7:30 a.m. to p.m. WXLW-950 (CBS) Music and News 6 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. WIBC-1070 Music and News 24 Hours WFBM-1260 (NBC) Music and News 24 Hours WIFE-1310 Music and News 24 Hours No cost.

No obligation. Just call or come In today for free brochure or free home demonstration. Kansas City, Mo Cloudy 30 23 Little Rock, Ark PtCldy 5 45 I Anplps. Calif. H7 54 43 Probably nothing.

Fathers and sons still talk villi each other. If you're a father, you know how important these talks can he. That's when you have the chance to pass on some of the wisdom of life you got the hard way, Next time you have a talk with your son, tell him ahout the advantages of being a newspaper carrier. You can tell him how he'll have his own money to save or spend, and ahout the prizes and scholarship opportunities. But you know he'll get much more than that.

Newspaperhoys learn self-discipline and the value of money. They meet people and accept the challenge of salesmanship with confidence. Meanwhile, they get sound adult leadership throughout the adventure. You know your son will he sharper and brighter at school with these advantages. Talk with your son ahout being a newspapcrhoy.

If it leads to his great success in later life, don't be surprised. Look who he's got for a dad. Louisville. Ky Cloudy 4 35 AAemohis. Tenn Clear 64 4U Miami, Fla Cloudy 78 65 'HEARING AID SERVICE Milwaukee, Wis Clear 23 16 Minneapolis, Minn PtCldy 2 70 54 Wealher Data NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Special Report For The Indianapolis Star Jan.

11, 171 Precipitation, 24 hours, to 7 p.m. Mono Total amount since Jan. 1 1.60 Accumulated departure from normal since Jan. 1 Excess Mean temperature Dree dw Acrumulated degree days since July 1 5424 Normal accumulation for this dale 2576 45 16 43 u. A.

van Hoes Certified Hearina Aid Audiologlst 130 THOMAS BLDO. Formerly state Life Bldrj. For FREE Demonstration (32-3111 Medicard Approvel 20 4 27 34 New Orleans, La Foj New York, N.Y Clear Omaha, Neb Clear Philadelphia, Pa Clear Phoenix, Ariz Clear PIHsburqh, Pa Cloudy Portland. Ore. Cloudy bit, by the time the hour 41 25 37 33 Raleigh, N.C.

Clear 56 33 Raoid City, 5.D Snow 2 -8 San Antonio, Tex Clear 4 36 Sin FrAnrisrn. Calif. Rain 52 48 BAROMETER READINGS 11 p.m 30.16 ended, John had met and was attracted to his Sarah. The costuming is rich, staging magnificent and the dialogue, fitting the most licentious court in Europe, is frankly bawdy by TV standards. X.JO 1 30.03 I 7 p.m.

Sault Sle. Marie, Mich. Clear 16 10 Seattle, Wash. Cloudy 40 35 South Bend, Ind Cloudy 30 16 Sorinqfif'd. III.

Hare 33 23 Tucson, Aril Cloudy 6S 37 RELATIVE HUMIDITY Maximum I Minimum 76 TEMPERATURES CANADA Montreal Snow 24 t) Toronto Snov 2S 21 Vancouver Snow 21 16 Winnipeg Clear -15 -27 1am. 3 a.m. 5 a.m. 7 am. a m.

It am. 1 rj.m. 31 3 m. 31 5 p.m. 33 7 m.

33 9 p.m. 34 11 m. 37 40 41 38 35 34 13 (18861 FOREIGN CITIES Weather at 1 a.m. EST Tamo WFYI (20) Log AcouKhsyrupworksonyour Coldene Cough Cold has al 41 Minimum Maximum Berlin Clear 28 Record 70 (1890) I Record London Hare 41 Moscow Cloudy 37 Paris Clear 39 Rome Cloudy 50 Saigon PtCldy 75 FOR THE SAME DATE LAST YEAR Maximum 27 I Minimum 13 WEATHER AT 7 P.M. Tuesday powerful cough suppressant.

But it also has a decongestant and an antihistamine for your runny nose and stuffiness. And an analgesic for your aches, cough. Of cours. But with a Coughing; Cold you have mora than a cough. You may also have to live with a runny, stuffy none, throat irritation, aches and mild fever.

Slorkho Clear 41 Tel Aviv Cloudy 63 Tokyo Hae 39 qrt Low ab 17 53 32 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy coldene Indianapolis Skies TUESDAY, JAN. 12 Sunset today 5:41 m. Sunrisp tomorrow 8:05 a m. Moonrise tonight 6:54 p.m. Last quarter Jan.

19 That's why we make Coldene Cough 4 Cold. It' specially made to help relieve all the symptoms of the Street 5:30 Mislerogers (B) New (B) 6:30 Misterogers (Repeat) (B) IB) 7:30 Experiment Hi) 8:00 Forsyte Saga (Repeat) (M) Advocates 10:00 San Francisco Mix Minutes The Indianapolis Star Tor more information on how our son nm Imtoiih: a carrier, irull Mr. TotM at 633-9152. pains and mild fever. Coldene Cough Cold is so effective, we guarantee it will work.Oryourmoney back.

Coldene Cough Cold. It's more than iutt a cough syrup. Li mmwwm COUGH 1 0 nnin Albuauerque, N.M Arrtarillo, Tex. Atlanta, Ga. Bi'marck, D.

Boston, Masv Brownsville, Te. Bullalo, N.Y. Casper, Wvo. Crticaqo, Ml Cinrmnatl, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Dallas, Tex Denver, Colo. Detroit, Mirh.

Duluth, Minn. El Paso, tt. vansvifle, Ind Fairbanks, Alaska Fort Warne, Ind. Houstnn, Tex. Jadcnn, Miss.

Jarksonvllle, Fla. I'll, HIS HIV'M ,3 Hlljll the Southeast after sunset. Saturn is now Snow Cloudy Clear Cloudy Hae C'ourly Snow Cloudy lear PICIdy Cloudy Snow Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Coughing Cold. Naturally, emmis lis wesiwara rnovemeiii oinung me stars of Aries. OHIO RIVER STAGES Cincinnati 31.3 minus 1.2.

Louisville upper 12 2 minus 2 3 Louisville lower 307 minus 5.6. Fvansville 30.9 plus 0.5. A.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.