Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

Ten The Columbus Enquirer, Columbus, Saturday Morning, February 27, 1943 Chattahoochee Valley Farm News, By JOHN D. JENKS Sweet Bedpinatoes Is AUBURN, Feb. 26-Starting a sweet potato crop by selectling good seed at bedding time and following through with good cultural practices will help Alabama reach the increased sweet pota4 to goal for this year. "Only clean seed should be bedded, says W. A.

Ruffin, eXtension horticulturist, The se lected seed should be disinfected by dipping for ten in corrosive sublimate (bichloride of -one ounce to eight galmercury water. Dissolve the chemical in a small amount of hot water and dilute to eight gallons. Wooden containers should be used as it will corrode metal. Bed potatoes immediately after dipping. Potatoes, Alabama should be March 1 bedded to in 15 and in north Alabama around April 1.

Five bushels of potatoes will furnish slips enough to plant one acre. Slips should be ready for planting within a month after bedding. ADVICE GIVEN ABOUT KUDZU Growers In District To Produce Material From Old Stands War with Japan having cut off the main source of kudzu seed, and reduced the supply kudzu plants. farmers in the Pine moun: tain soil conservation district will secure the bulk of planting material needed to establish new plantings this spring, from old stands of kudzu. Most of the millions of kudzu seedlings that have been planted in the state were grown from seed that came from Japan.

J. A. Garrard. district conservationist of Pine mountain soil conservation district farmers says, to look but war elsewhere has forced for planting stock. However.

the conservationist says, good stands of kudzu will yield about 15,000 crowns per acre without damage to the stand and he goes on to describe methods of digging crowns successfully. Crowns may be plowed up or dug up, he says. If the former method is employed, the plow must be set to run deep enough to break the roots loose well down in the ground. Charles L. Williams of Buena Vista is using a single disk plow and tractor to dig enough crowns to plant 100 acres.

Regardless of the methods used, is important remember that each crown harvested must have least one sound. undamaged bud, and one fleshy, unbroken root, six inches or more in length. On sandy soils a rolling coulter set to cut through the vines makes plowing easier and more effective. On heavy, clay soils, plowhas been simplified by rakling the vines off with a hay rake. Crowns must be picked up after each furrow has been plowed to avoid covering them with the next furrows.

All crowns dug by noon must be covered to protect them from the afternoon sun and rowns must be kept moist until transplanted otherwise many of them will fail to grow. Better stands will be obtained if crowns carefully inspected and all bruised, or broken ones removed, Mr. Garrard says. Cutting bruised and torn ends has appeared to increase the percentage of plants that live. but it is important not to cut the roots to less than six inches in length.

Mrs. G. B. Perry Party Hostess ELLAVILLE, Feb. 26 (Special) -Mrs.

Georgia B. Perry was hostess to the members of Her bridge party with a delightful game on Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. M. C.

Hill. Mrs. T. H. Stevens, and Mrs.

C. C. Williamson. Light refreshments were served to Mrs. Albert Richardson, Mrs.

o. C. Hill, Mrs. Eugene Dixon. Mrs.

C. C. Williamson. Mrs. L.

S. Tondee, Mrs. M. C. Hill, Mrs.

T. H. Stevens and the hostess Mrs. Harold Ware, production chairman of the Red Cross chapter, has announced that work will probably begin during the coming week 300 hospital bags. Chapter officials are waiting on instructions and material to begin.

Ware urged all interested to look for the announcement in the local paper as to when the work will start. "Nudge" Your Lazy Liver Tonight! mental dullness. a half alive feeling often result if your liver bile doesn't Now freely every day into your intestines. So take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets to Insure gentle vet thorough bowel movements.

Olive Tablets are wonderful to stir up liver bile secretion and tone up muscular intestinal action. 154, Follow label directions. All drugstores. CONSTIPATION with its headaches, PALACE TODAY KING KONG -WithFAY WRAY BRUCE CABOT PASTIME TODAY RIDERS of the CHARLES STARRETT a Eufaula Woman Is Champion In Knitting Game EUFAULA, Feb. 26-Special) Mrs.

Sigmund Bloom, chairman for the Eufaula service center and one of this city's most patriotic women is the champion knitter of soldiers' sweaters, having just completed her 100th sweater for the Red Cross While operating a flower shop, she knits these wool khaki, garments with speed and much precision, never tiring of the work. The sweaters with other garments from Eufaula have warmed the hearts of many soldiers in the four corners of the earth. In addition to sewing for the Red Cross, Mrs. Bloom is also general chairman of Eufaula service center, open each week end on Broad street to soldiers who come here in large numbers from Camp Rucker, Fort Benning and Napier field at Dothan, Eufaula being located 50 to 60 miles from each of these soldier centers. Many Eufaula boys in Australia, Africa, England and other points were sent Christmas packages by the Eufaula service center, and others going out in service from here are always given farewell gifts by the center.

Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, former operators of local restaurant, have one son, Sgt. Sig Bloom, who is now in service in the Pacific zone, MARION PLANS CAMPAIGN SOON Letter From Zachary Tells Of Red Cross Program In London By BERTA COOK BUENA VISTA, Ga. Feb.

(Special) A meeting of the Marion county Red Cross chapter was courtroom Wednesday afternoon for purpose of held, the, formulating plans for an intensive war fund drive which will open March 1 and close March 15. It was announced that $1.500 had been set as quota for this county. Mrs. Frances R. Collins, special field representative of Alexandria, was present at the meetting, outlined a plan for the and' drive.

Seven hundred dollars of quota will be forwarded to the American Red Cross headquarters, and $800 be retained for local use. In enumerating some of the services rendered by the Red Cross, Mrs. Collins, emphasized blood plasma, by voluntary donors, swimming through oil in water, the lessons being taught by able instructors of the Red Cross, first aid, ministering to their every need inside the military lines, and home service. which attends to soldiers' family needs at home, as being some of the most important services a Cross. rendered by the American Red T.

B. Wight is chairman of the Marion chapter. Rev. A. B.

Wall War chairman, and Mrs. J. M. Rogers chairman of publicity. Soldier Writes The following from letter received Mrs.

quotation, a J. M. Rogers, from her brother. John Zachary, who is serving with the American air forces overseas. is proof of what the American Red Cross is doing for they fighting men: last week I was on night guard, and this week I was allowed time off for visit to London.

There are several Red Cross a clubs there, and they really help you in whatever you wish to do. They give us free tours, get us passes for various shows, put on entertainment. give information. and also have a well-equipped building for convenience and enjoy joyment. have various kinds of pin-ball machines, juke organs, cafeterias, snack bar, and reading rooms, and believe it or not.

they had Coca-Cola, The American Red Cross is doing a good job." News was received here recently of the promotion of Grady C. Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Welch of Marion county. He was promoted after successfully completing training at the army air forces flexible gunnery school at Tyndal field near Panama City, Fla. and he now wears the wings of an aerial gunner, and the chevrons of a sergeant in the army air forces. H. M.

Clements, superintendent of Marion county schools, has issued a call for a sharing of clothes and shoes with Russia, and he informed that any garment clean and in good condition, of any size, will be acceptable. He asserted that the Allies merit all the aid that America can give them, as more than likely they have saved this land from being invaded and bombed: that any person having packages may send or take them to school. whor* the thecheneared bus drivers will bring them to the proper points to be packed and shipped to Russian war relief headquarters. Stewart Bonds Quota Passed LUMPKIN, Feb. 26-(Special- Those sponsoring sale of war bonds in Stewart county have exceeded the quota and are making efforts to double same.

Stewart has a number of young men in the armed service. many of whom are overseas: and as a tribjute to of this these young men the citizens county esteem it privilege to be allowed to purchase these bonds. Sponsors for February are insurance agents: Walker Parish of Richland, A T. Fort and Miss S. M.

Ard of Lumpkin. I- 5 1 5 out to 55 in 181, 30.10 mid- July July 10 1 10 60 buy- TROUP CHURCH PLANS PROGRAM La Grange First Methodists Will Observe Dedication Week LAGRANGE, Feb. 26 (Special) -The First Methodist church, of LaGrange, with Rev. C. S.

Forester, pastor, will observe the week of dedication with all Methodism next week from Feb. 28 to March 7. The week's program, announced by officials of the church, follows: Special services at the regular church services on Sunday, Feb. 28, when each, person present will be presented a pamphlet on private prayer, Dr. George author.

Personal consecration and family devotions will be stressed during the week. On Tuesday afternoon a special children's serv: ice will be held; on Wednesday evening, under the direction of the pastor, a special program on church school activities and leaders will be held: "Youth Night" will be observed on Thursday evening, with Dr. E. E. Wiley, of Chattanooga, leading.

Dr. Wiley will conduct the meeting on Friday night also. the occasion featuring "Church Night." Sunday morning, March 7, is scheduled for the presentation of chaplain's communion set. in absentia, by the Young Men's class to Chaplain W. P.

Smith. Chaplain Smith will be unable to attend because of recent orders for overseas service. Also presented to the church at this time will be metal plaque honoring the men of the church who are in the service of their country, This plaque will be presented by the Wesley workers class. This series of program featur. ing the week of dedication will be climaxed by the communion service on Sunday evening, March LaGrange's trial blackout, held one night this week.

was the blackest and most successful one held so far in this county, according to officials of the Civilian Detense corps, of which organization B. W. Whorton is commandex. LaGrange was almost completeand blacked out in 23 the only comsuccessfully, plaint of officials being a failure by some citizens to interpret correctly the different signals. Sheriff E.

Hilyer, who patrolled the rural sections of the county, deemed this trial blackout a 99 and one-half per cent success through the county. The current Victory book drive being conducted in Troup county and LaGrange by the members of the Junior Red Cross, with each Junior taking as his motto book from every Junior Red Cross All schools of LaGrange and Troup county are collection centers. and all citizens of the city and county are urged to bring any books to be donated to this worthy cause to one of these col. lection centers. The regular semi-monthly sale of the Troup County Livestock association, held at the Bacon Street Stockyards.

netted farmers and total of cattle $6.294.70, men of with this both county cat- a tie and hogs bringing high prices throughout the day. High for bogs was $14.90 per one hundred pounds, and for cat. tie. $13.55 per one hundred pounds. Valley Deaths MRS.

MATILDA ANN FARRAR LAGRANGE. Feb. (Special) -Services for Mrs. Matilda Ann Farrar, 81. who died at her home on Monday, were held on Wednesday at the United Congregational church, with Rev.

Melvin Dollar, pastor, and Rev. D. W. Shepard of Roanoke, officiating. Interment was in Hillview annex.

Mrs. Farrar, a native of Chambers county, had made her home in LaGrange since 1899. when here with her late husband. P. M.

Farrar. except for, four years in Milstead, when Farrar was employed by the Milstead plant of Callaway Mills. She was an active member of the United Congregational church. Surviving are five sons, J. B.

and R. L. Farrar, both of LaGrange; G. W. and P.

M. Farrar, both of Atlanta: J. L. Farrar of Hogansville; two daughters, Mrs. Bartlett LaGrange; Mrs.

J. W. Eiland of Akron, Ohio; 15 grandchildren, 15. great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. JAMES A.

EMERY EUFAULA. Feb. (Special) -The body of James Albert Emery, 70, prominent business man of Montclair. N. and New York, will reach here Saturday and interment will take place in Fairview cemetery in this city Saturday afternoon.

His death followed an operation in Montclair hospital. Mr. Emery's wife was the former Miss Annie Comer of Midway. Ala. Born Biddeford.

Maine, Mr. Emery was a graduate of Boston School of Technology and for many years had been a member of the engineering firm of Ford, Bacon and Davis of New York. Besides his wife, he leaves one son, Ensign J. A. Emery, Washington, D.

two daughters, Miss Katherine Emery, Kerby Fisk. Montclair: and three grandchildren. Theaters Bradley: "Wings and the WomAnne Neagle, Robert Newton. Rialto: "Fighting Buckaroo," Charles Starrett, Kay Harris. Royal: Bullets," Joan Marsh.

John Archer. Springer: "Bandit Ranger," Tim Holt. Palace: "King Kong," Fay Wray, Bruce Cabot. Pastime: "Riders of the Northland," Charles Starrett. Market Activities CONSERVATION ADVICE GIVEN Krock Advises District Farmers To Sow Crop On Small Grain Sowing annual lespedeza oll small grain, a simple conservation practice in itself.

will enable farmers to make substantial contribution to the feed production program, says Simon Krock. Work Unit Conservationist of the Pine mountain soil conservation district. Lespedeza provides ideal summer grazing, Mr. Krock explains, and since dairy and other livestock products are in urgent demand, grazing crops will play a vital role in the food production program. However, he points out.

the lespedeza does not necessarily have to be grazed to contribute to the food production program. Used in normal crop rotations, and turned under for soil improvement. it will keep the soil fertile and in condition to produce large acre-yields of crops farmers might be called on to grow later. George M. Adams, district Stpervisor from Columbus, is planting a considerable acreage tor Kobe lespedeza.

He is fertilizing pounds of acid phosphate sowing 40 pounds of fond seed per acre. When lespedeza is sown on small grain and the surface sacrified with drag harrow or a disk harrow with disks set and is required, can be straight extra plowing, of the seeded the farmer is not mother busy with other erops. If a it reseeds itself OD the hand.ear cowpeas or soybeans follows small grain, the conservationist points out, the land has to be plowed about the first June when other crops need work. Frequently dry weather at this period makes it impossible to get these crops planted in time. On the other hand, heavy rains often cause severe soil losses, before the ground 15 covered the new crop.

Under favorable conditions, lespedeza makes large yields of hay, and if cut early, will good. additional growth before frost to give excellent protection to the land and leave considerable material to be turned under later. It also produces plenty of seed that can be harvested for increasing the acreage of the crop without additional seed. Every Farm Woman Asked Produce Food AUBURN. Feb.

26-During the weeks of March 1-20 every Alabama farm woman is being asked, to pledge to produce as the home food supplying as possible, announces Elizabeth Forney, extension home agent of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The roll call was launched Monday under leadership of State and county home demonstration agents. Neighborhood leaders, or ganized some time ago by local county and home agents will visit every rural family and talk over the serious food situation. give home food supply suggestions in the Victory Home Food Supply program. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or feel 111 at case because of loose, wabbly false teeth.

FASTEETH, an improved alkaline (non-acid) powder sprinkied on your plates holds them firmer 50 they feel more comfortable. Soothing and cooling to gums made sore by excessive acid mouth. Avoid embar-1 rassment caused by loose plates. Get FASTESTH today at any drug store. MONEY Real Estate Personal and Collateral LOANS Fidelity Loan Inv.

Co. 1206 First Ave. Save on Repairs New Used Parts For All Makes and Model Cars SATLOF AUTO PARTS CO. 16tb 5t. and 1st Are.

Dial 3-2314 NOW PLAYING ANNI ROBERT NEAGLE NEWTON IN "Wings for the Woman" CHARLES RUSSELL HAYDEN "Fighting Buckeroo" MID- NITE SHOW 11:39 "Palm Beach Story" ON STAGE ROSS RUSSELL'S "Talk About Girls" ON SCREEN "Police Bullets" SPRINGER TIM HOLT IN "Bandit Ranger" WITH CLIFF EDWARDS POTATOES GET PRICE SUPPORT Plan Assures Georgia Growers 92 Per Cent Parity On Crop A price support program for Irish potatoes, similar to that in effect last year, will assure Georgia growers of 92 per cent parity on potatoes produced in 1943. the food distribution administration announced this week. Georgia growers are assured 92 cent of parity on Irish potapeers this year through the Department of Agriculture's price support program, T. Walter Hughes, state supervisor of the food distribution administration, said. The price support program applies to all potatoes harvested after March 1.

During the marketing season, price support operations are expected to maintain average returns on U. S. No. 1 grade, sacked and loaded, f. o.

b. carrier in carlots, at $2.35 per cwt. an Georgia. Sales by an individual producer at these prices are guaranteed only to the extent of his participation in the participate, program. a grow- Tole er must be certified as having planted at least 90 per cent of the a The average established for his farm.

program entails direct purchases by the food distribution administration at the support prices scheduled for U. S. No. 1 grade, and at 10 cents per hundred-weight less for potatoes grading 85 per cent U. S.

No. 1 quality. Diversion of part of the potatoes to other markets may be required. Loans as an additional price gut antee will also be made available through the Commodity Credit corporation. Radio Programs SATURDAY.

FEE. -Benning Band Wagon 6 30-Over-Nite Nets Benning. Band con World Ness cost Clock Sunrise Tine Neva CRB Melodies fool Cunningham: Cut Ups 9:00 Provinion Co. News Pick -Kirven': Kitty Kay Hollywood Nets Curtis News Cross 10:15 Front News Church Calendar Let's Pretend Mack 1100 Armstrong a Theatre of Today teher Hits and Encores Country Journal Neg Luncheon Lyrics CBS News Bazaar Nona, Briefs Spirit Of 43 0. 8.

Detroit (chat Hello From Hawaii Report From Washington ichs) 3:15 Report From London Calling Pan-America 4:00 Cleveland Symphony Orch Tea Time Tunes Today frog) World -Red Wagon Boys 6:13 The Presents -Camels Thanks To The Tanka Sears' Sundonn News Interlude 15 -Dept. Of Information -Loat We Forget Time -Parker Per News Your Hit Parade Lucky Strike ichsi Band Of The Day Eyes Ears Of The Air Force Soldiers With Wings 9:43 Echers News And Analysis -Dance Parade (cost Neta Round- Up Parade ices SATURDAY. FEBRUARY Central War Time 12:30 All Out for Orc.Washington Luncheon Guests -blu Adventures from Science Series cha News: Macalester College Choir12.45- People's War, Hal -mbs Fleming Fantasy in Melody, OrchestraDance Music Orchestra (13 mins cos 00-Dr. Frank Black's Matinee- nbe The Metropolitan Opera 13 hrs.3-blu News and Of Men and Books- cos Dancing Music Variety 130 30-Spint of 1943 War Series To Be Announced mine. 45- Family In War, Dramatic2.00 Minstrel Melodies FO B.

Detroit. a Variety Show nbe OrchestraChicago Concert 30 mbs 30 Newal Charles Dant Orch.Hello From Hawall in Varietycos 3.00- Shady Matinee Valley Folks in Variety-mbs in Rhythm Washington News for 13 -cbs To Be Announced 115 mins.1 mar -London Comes on the Dance Music Orchestra 113. mbs 3.30-Mu Music from the Americas Calling Pan-America, a Concert- Cha Horse Race from New Orleans mbs Rhythm Ensemble Prog-m55 1:00 -Doctors at War, Dramatic nbc Musical co*cktail by The Cleveland Orchestra Orchestr8-blu Hour--cos Navy Bulletin Board. Mahr, Alex Dreier. Variety--mhs be 4 4-Sol Lewis, Country Editor bin 3:00 Chicago Dance Dinner Music Concert nbc News- blu Frazier Hunt News SpotRuss Brown's Song Timecbs-basic 5:15 Prayer: I Hear America Sing--mbs To Be Announced 130 min.

cbs Bowling Series and Interviews -mos 5:30 Religion in the News Talk Message of Israel on the Radioblu Hawali Calls, Natite Musiciansmbs -Paul Lavalle Orchestra nbc World of Today via Short Ware -Noah Webster -chs Says, Quiz nbe Strange Doctor Karnac. Drama -blu People's Platform, Forum Time 30 m. in be Dancing Music Grand Queen Drama- -nube-east Danny Oid Thomas Opera Variety Prog -nbc-south Thanks to Yanks, Rob Hawk--cos Show--bin Arthur Hales News Comment- mbs 4:43 Algiers Irish Broadcast, Records- mos Porter's Rose, Drama--nbc Cramit News Broadcast -blu Amer. Julla Sanderson, Quiz cha 7:15 Eagle Club at London- mbs 1 30- Boston Symphony Dave Elman and Hobby nbc Consequences This 15 the Hour 130 m. Lobby- cbs Minutex News Period- Show) cbs -mbs National Barn Chicago's Hit Parade Orchestra -ebs Dance Show--nbc Edward Theater of the Air -mos 8:30 Can You Top Tomlinson's Talks- -blu Spotlight Bands, Guest This, Gags Orchestra- -nbc blu Saturday Night's Lanny and Ginger In Serenade- Songs- cha blu Bill Stern Sports John Gunther, War Guest.

John Hughes Comment- Commentary blu Powell and Serenade- mbs -nbc Be Announced (30 Soldiers mins. blu Saturday With Wings in Variety- cos 9:30 Let Night's Betty Play Reporter, Quiz- nbc Rann Bings Latest -blu Eileen Farrell Concert Orch. Fifteen Late Minute Variety Dance Program-mbs With nbc Dance Dancing News (2 hrs. -blu cos Orchestra, Newt 3 bra. mbs The ophthalmoscope, an instrument that permits examination of the believed interior to of the human eye, have been invented in 1851.

K. Glycerine was found in 1779 by Scheele, a Swedish chemist. New York Stock Market BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK, Feb. 26-(AP) It was profit taking time in today's stock market and, while relatively light offerings were fairly well absorbed, irregularly lower tendencies prevailed after a fast opeping in which numerous recovery highs were scored. Although activity, tapered after the start, totaled 1.438,370 shares compared with 1.777,290 Thursday.

It was the fourth suecessive million-share session this week and the fifteenth for 1943. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .1 of a point at 46. This was the first decline since last Friday. was one of the broadest markets for then a year, 936 individual Issues being traded. Of these, 534 were down or unchanged against 402 advances.

Bonds were steady on another beavy turnover. Fireworks develloped in staples in the wake of senate passage of the Bankhead bill permitting rising farm prices, At Chicago wheat jumped the limit of 5 cents a bushel and finished up 3 to 3 1-2 cents. Corn was changed at the ceiling. Hogs advanced 10 to 20 cents. Cotton gained 15 cents to 90 cents a bale.

(Sales in 100's) Sales Rich 1.9 9 Close AIR Reduction 30 44 Ch ME ADA Red A Tel Te 1424 API Ant Woolen Anaconda Cat Line At Refining Bends Beth Steel Calumet Hee Can Dry Ale Che Chrysler Corp Coca Cola Colgate Palme Comi Solvents Com with Congoleum Naira Cont Can Cont Del Corn Products Crucible Sterl Curtiss Wright Curtiss Del Lack Du De 144 Douglas Aircraft New York Bonds BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK. Feb. 26--(AP) The bond market kept its sights pointed higher all along the line today, except for profit taking in posted new gains of fracspots, to a point or so among leadtions eds. Trading remained exceptionally active, although slightly under Thursday volume, the tremendous largest in the history of third stock exchange. Sales totaled 010,800, par value, against 940,100 the day before.

Rails, low-yields and foreign issues in the Associated Press touched new peaks for averages 1942-43 or longer. Other groups were only slightly changed. U.S, governments and the m3- jority of foreign dollar bonds held within restricted range but retained a steady undertone. DOMESTIC 118 SP 45 A Line OH Can Pat 45 Pref Cit Inc ChI REFG Cler. Un Term West Fla Fast Cat mud Coal 55 Til 46 Hun Man REG A Int GL 8 2003 Lou Pac RP 2013 60 Not! 126 Nor Pat 65 59 Penn RR Gen Phil RD Sean AL CN 16 PAC RFG 36 RE ON 56 94 So So Gen 58 West MD FOREIGN Australia 56 S9 Brazil Rio Gr Do Sal 6 23 Total sales todey.

Feb. 0,600. Previous day 91.940,100 Week ago Year ago TrO VeRIS A20 7.174.300 Jan. 1 to date 541.788,100. Year 374,964,900 TWO FORTS 820 354.734.875.

CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Feb. Dept. -Salable hogs 9,000, total tire 10-20 higher than Thursday's averag closed at fult adrance: top 18.80. Bulk 180-330 1bs.

13.30-55 most good and choice 180-180 Ibs. 14.75-15.50; bulk ROOd 300-830 lbs. sows 14.90-15.25: few choice to 15.40. Salable cattle 1,600: salable calves 300: fed steers and yearlings firm; medium weights predominating in crop, sprinkling grades bulk 14.00-13.25: extrem top 800d. to choice 1,300 16.40: heifers very scarce, fully steady.

mostly 12.00-14.25: COWS fairly active, fully steady: cutters 10,00 down; medium good beef coNs 11.50-13.00; light cannets dull at 8.00 down: bulls and vealers steady: practical top weighty sausage bulls 13.75: outside 14.00; vealers 16.00- 17.50. BUTTER. EGGS Feb. 26 API- Butter, receipts 524.846: firm; prices RE quoted by the Chicago price current are unchanged. Egg receipts firm: prices changed.

POULTRY CHICAGO. Feb. 36 -(API Poultry. live, 13 trucks; firm: prices unchanged. SOUTHEASTERN HOGS THOMASVILLE.

Feb 26-LAP U.S.D.A The food distribution adminIstration reports 7.366 head of hogs received today at seven plants in Albany, Columbus. Moultrie. Thomasville, Tifton Dothan and Jacksonville, Prices held fully steady on the light receipts. NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga Feb, 26 (AP) pentine, offerings. 186; sales, 1,303 gallons, receipts, 17 shipments, 130; stocks.

27.304. Rosin: Offerings, 83: sales, receipts, 82: shipments, 970. stocks, 86.626. Quote: 1.80: 3,00: 3.35. 3.35: and I 3.65: 3.72: and 3.80.

WG 4.00: WW and 4.0 09 Experiments have indicated that war workers" produce more at machines painted in colors pleasing to their eyes. The strip of water between Florida Island and Malaita, in the Solomons. 18 named "Indispensable Strait." SOUTHERN MANOR FOOD IN THE SOUTHERN MANNER Two Floor Shows Nightly 9:15 and 12:30 -DANCING FROM FUTURES SHOW SLIGHT GAINS' Eastmen Kodak 5 137 141 Erie FUR Freeport 34 Gen Kite 3 Gen Foods 14 38 371 Gen Motors lOnette Sat A 30 Paige Mot Greyhound Corp Hudson Meter 50 Hupp Motor Illinois Nick Central Can Int Tel Tel Kennecott Cop Lorillard Cara kid Cont Pet Murray Corp Nash Net Biscuit Net Distillers Nehi Corp Central FUR Peckard Motor Param. Pictures Penn Dis Cement Pens R.R Pure 0.1 Radio Corp of A.m Iteming Rare Ree Motor CT Repub Sleet Ten Reaboard Oil Seurs Roebuck 64 Shell Union Oil Southorn Pacitic Southern Ry Sperm Corp Sand Brands Bland Oil Cal Stewart Warn Corp Co 4T Tear Grail Ralph Tex Pat 0 Det Union Rag Union Carbide Union Pacific United United Biscuit United Core Lasted Drug Beal Ac 11 af) 1154 Warner Piet Younger 34 33 Total Feb 1,436,370. Premos day Week Vest ago TED are 405.650.

Jan date Tear 20.685.901 Tun PIX 220 12,265.875 LOCAL COTTON MARKET Company Strict middling 20.45 Middling Strict 30 Low RONDS NEW Feb. REFACHABLE FUTURES NEW Bleachable tonseed futures closed 20 higher, Sales contracts. High Los Mich 14.43 14.45 14.470 Bid. SPOT COTTON ORLEANS Feb 26 API Spot cotton closed steady a hale high11.03. Bales 416 Low middling 21.01 good mideling 21.46, receipts stock 299.146 OVER THE COUNTER MARKET NEW PORK Fee.

trust securities B'd Asked Diversified Trust 3.30 Diversified Trust 8.10 Mast Invest Trust 15.60 Mass Inv. Tr Fund 8.99 9,65 MIDDLING COTTON NEW ORLEANS. Feb. The aterate price of 15-16 cotton today at tel designated southern spot markets 50 cents a hale higher 21.13 cents a pound Inen season highi: average for the past 30 market 20.05 middling Nths-inch average 20 21. CURR LIST Ala Pow pi Hagio Pich Lead Plough Inc NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS.

Fee. 26 Washington new Influenced advances potion futures to new high levels here today and the market closed steady 30 cents to $1.05 a bale higher Open Nigh Low Close Meh 20.67 20.60 20.61 20.63 up May 20 45 20.55 20.41 20.43 up July 20.23 20.24 20.17 20.23 up Oct 19.90 20.07 19.86 19.96 lip Dec 10.85 20.04 19.85 19.94 21 19.82 19.82 19 82 19.880 Mch 19.76 19.96 19,74 19,020 -Bid. THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, Feb. position of the treasury Feb. Receipts 60 Expenditures 05.

Net. balance "Visit The Rest Then Visit The Best" Club Matag BABY'S FOOD! Mrs. Dan Gerber will explain in simple language "How to Feed Your Baby under the new ration plan" LISTEN IN 2:45 WRBL DAY For printed this helpful talk. write Mrs. Den Fremont, Mich.

Cotton Quotations Close At 15 Cents To 90 Cents A Bale Up NEW YORK, Feb. 26-(AP) Senate passage of the Bankhead bill to eliminate inclusion of benefits and other payments in calcuJating farm commodity ceilings continued today to stimulate ing in cotton futures. Closing prices were 15 to 90 cents a bale higher. Demand came from commission house buying and trade price fixing. Values up more than $1.25 a bale time, avere.

Open High Lot Mich 20.39 20.41 14 MAY 20.16 20.29 13 July 19.94 20 007 19 an Out 10.42 19.41 14.62 Dec 19.60 19 EN 19.60 Jan 19.68 60 19.68 19.640 Spot middling 21.900. up 12 tr -Nominal CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Feb. 26-(AP) Legislative developments in Washington provided the wheat pit today with its strongest and most active session in many months. prices rising to new highs since 1928-29 on all deliveries under aggressive buying by mills, commission houses and professional traders.

At one time wheat was up cents a bushel, the limit permitted in a single session, and the close showed gains of 3 to 3 1-2 cents, May 81,46 3-8 to 1-2. July to 81.46 7-8. Corn held unchanged at ceilings, May 51.00. Oats advanced 1 1-2 to I cent and rye 1 gained 1-8 to 1 3-8 cents. WHEAT Obrn Highs Cinta Mine 44 July Empl 4613 CORN Me.y 00 Sept Dec 1.00% 1.00 OATS May 501 July Tel 34 Sept Dre 934 Eco' RYE Mat RAILROAD SCHEDULES Central of Georgia Ry.

PHONE 3-3658 or 6211 Eastero War Time Lease 8:50 pm Atlanta- New York 1:30 pm 3:50 003 pm BirminghamChicago am 2:00 pm. Birmingham 05 059 1:40 pta Macon 1:05 pm 7:13 am Macon 10:30 pin Mint Andalusia 7:45 AnY 7:10 Albant-Jacksonville 10:45 am a.m Chicago-'ham 5.38 5 35 Albany-Mam! 2:38 Rm ticket agent for departure dates. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 9:55 pm Atlanta 1:00 am PHONE 3-1923 or 3-3658 Greene Depot Ticket Agent USED SEWING MACHINES Bought and Sold SINGER SEWING CENTER 103 Twelfth St. Dial 3-5381 BAMA CLUB PRESENTS. Stage and Movie Star YVONNE MORAY 42 Inches of Dynamic Personality MARTINGALES Adagio Dancers BILLY KING Juggler EMIL PARRA, M.C.

Singing and Dancing WILLIE HOFFMAN Acrobatics ERNIE RAY And His RECORDING ORCHESTRA For Your Dancing Pleasure from 7:00 til SHOWS AT 9:15 and 12:30 FINEST WESTERN STEAKS and CHICKEN Just Across Lower Bridge, First Bide. on Right Admission: Week Nites 50c- Nite $1. 1230 ON YOUR DIAL TODAYC69 WRBL 5:15 P. M. "Your Hill Billy Hit Parade" featuring GEORGIA PLAY BOYS Sponsored by STRIPLIN'S POOL Keep Tuned to WRBL for the Best Round and Square Dancing of Everything COLUMBIA'S SERVICE TO COLUMBUS PE 17-41 55-31 B2-47 8 of.

Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.