Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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ge Six BREAD AND Stewart Says: 1 THE LAG LDCE TO to Rv Central Press Association THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 19 to grati bring step fund I is A Difficult Asaienmcnt i always the applause of the world jThe prophets run ahead of public New York Editorial Comment ACTOGRAPHS The Columbus Enquirer Columbus Ga Thursday Morning the the Is a a Charles Stewart I st a lift rord Wc Must Placate South American or Sake 90 per cent cent of 11 buy 63 per the will grown in the other trie cry The largest collection of finger prints in the world is in the files of the I in Washington They contain more than 12 750000 finger print card and the that cor last tO It 11M establish of a with (vr the Infor herc can Gao to Tyhee glad to hear cs 110 3 11 00 I I American women buy 95 per cent of all furniture purchased in the United States of all food 75 per clothing They even cent of ties opinion setting up castle cn die way Some of their cattles appear imaginary of piacc i tne latter Oklahoma was second with 12 By GEORGE TUCKER Michelangelo is said to have been of all arts" Enter son gave him the title: four crowns of architecture sculpture painting and but Al was ex it mo ng children rather than treating them ailer they become ill Pre natal clinics tor the care and advice to expectant mothers will be Included In the project It would seem that the baby" clinic idea is a splendid one and much should be accomplished in protecting in health by the establishment of such a project the than 1 0 of the neutrality act authorix arming of American merchant and proud Top 0 The Morn By TUCKER Sundays ago ibl dently syndicated ten hamlsonieiy page articlr under auspices That is why the prophet is of great The man who predic is bold enough to predic man who gains the attention i 'air Kents Committee The Phenix City commission took 1 in the right direction by establishing rents committee build takrn Aires Tuesday night when the be profoundly grateful well worth anv effort" Anybody Here Knots? Wc'rc not offering a reward mation but if there's anybody sohe this groat Rabun problem would be from them OUR MORE TRAIC OICERS HERE Taking cognizance of the serious truffle problems that exiet in Columbus the members of the city commission this week voted to add four men to the traf fic bureau of the police department The population of this community has grown rapidly in the past several months There arc many more vehicles and pedes trians on the streets of Columbus The traffic situation is getting harder to han dle daily Realizing the need for more men the commissioners authorized the employment of four additional officers and the purchase of four new motor cycles and they are to be erthtmended for this action Jimmie idler In Hollywood jc in human i speaks of the remarkable icancc for the future of man that was contained in of my Danes is out on the Meredith went on Doberman in the and he's a good (Continued on rjr in these words: at the golden years and gay the hoary colleges look down on careless boys at play but when the bugles sounded war theiy The Atlanta Journal has a word on the action of the Conference of Southern Universities in dropping the University of Georgia from its membership: dropping the University of Geor gia ftom its the Conference of Southern Universities has taken the only toursc consistent with Its educational standards and the facts ot the ci sc at Issue After weighing all the evidence the Conference found that Dean Walter co*cking only was dismissed with out duo notice and without just cause but by a Board of Regents reconstructed for the purpose of securing that dismissal' even against the recommendation of the president of the University of Georgia and the chancellor of the University System' This is a temperate statement of what occurred when Governor Tat I Campaign or A Jfav vou contributed to the finsnee I of the The campaign is now in I progress and the Young Mtn's Christian As social ion deserves the support of the public I The scope of the program ot the A during 191 will depend upon the success of the present campaign Rabun Gap to Tybee There a search on for information on the origin of "tom Rabun Gap to Tybee Oiators many t'rrs have used cx i prestion the politicians shouting their con thc mix from Rabun tap could hear them ig in the DeKalb New Era who aaid it first He that offering a the desired infe rma madge after failing to convict Dean co*cking before fair minded and com petent body packed the Board if Regents with mn Cxmfercree rfif Southern Uni versitic i epreseniiog all the major lib arts colleges in the South stands for principles which must be maintained if educational democracy is to survive When an institution falls under the heel of a political dictatorship that flouts thore principles It must pay the penal ty The action of the ConfAencc how ever will serve the University's best in terests by rouingrthe people of Geor gia to the wrong winch has been done them by political bbsses This is the surest and speediest way io a great and beloved deliverance from the clique that holds it in bon Wells believes strongly impulse to universal service' be like unto a great rcliigon venerations that at some time i WIU AW vwi Sr one lUi II ui UV1H I complete escape from self which L1MPY IAjtE Lupe has been the common underlying in all "real reliCliinS the last five and twenty centuries COURAGE: British actors ar impulse which ebbed so per hr re who play the old English ccpribly during the prosperity tat err game of darts to see ho laxiiv disillusionment and sceptre pays for drinks arc using a cut crem of the past seventy or eighty lout of Hitler as target rears It will reappear again ne minus and plain as the cognized fundamental structural rrpu re in human i 'The vr ars so fast czmnaener mulling tne woes or tiunvines ar Sex believes they would avod much worry by adopting the custom of anceni Greek lad ies who computed their ages from DECREASE IN VALUE OOD STAMPS ISSUED The fact that there was a decrease in the value of food stamps issued to relief clients last month reflected an Improve ment In economic conditions here A report of the city manager showed that $23689 worth of stamps was Issued In September compil'd with the Aug ust total of $23153 In September of last year it was $37012 The city man ager credited a smaller number of per sons on relief due to expanding Indus try with playing a major role in bring ing about a decline In the value cf food stamps issued in Columbus It is grati fying to note this improvement: KEEPING BABIES WELL THROUGH CLINICS The establishment or local clinics for the purpose ot keeping babies well was discussed at a meeting ot the city county health board and Dr A Thrash health oliicer was authorized several house In which to these clinics The idea of the project it pla ned to prevent illres I said I fiahters? Mereaith saio 1 saw a uoocr i pare once was all over him the Dane got around to Will it be' realizing wnat was nappemng io (him If you are mean to a Dane estate ofi believes that the increasing! ard teach him be antagonistic on 'destructiveness and intolerable U'ou can make him into a heduva of the ness Of ar aged with the rewj fighter but ordinarily tacy ai ZXT COiriarn 1 I I t'MllXl' Hi VW deserved But wc bhall al to move commandingly to lor an adoauate world control and the ending of international coast now barbarism 5 a Ru what is your opinion? Why neighborhood not write to us about it in ihcsc 'seem enJ no out there to do something about it" Just then Captain Blaze cot up fnim ih boarih where be bad ofier them jCCn breaming happily of chasing tjc ciuieri als Meredith who knowsGreat Danes and likes them and ba rwvru'ri a number of He points to the post war re ithem all of which have been stubborn: NY James Blakely who proposed to fdary Carlisle last year and got a is here to try again MUS TER OUT: Kay Jordan daught er of ibber and Molly' McGee has broken her engagement to army man John Creamer AP ivhtions so to Tjbee Light'' Kuelinrr writin mes up the matter of so anxious to find Out five dollar reward for lion ROM THE CROW'S TWENTY NINTH WILL REMAIN AT BENNING The entire populace regrets that war department has seen fit to order ourth Division to leave ort Benning but the people of this section arc highly pleased with the decision which keeps the Twenty Ninth Infantry at post This famous regiment been the demonstration unit for the Infantry School ever since the establishment of ori Benning in 1919 and it will be di vorced from the ourth Motorized Divi sion when the latter organization moves over tn Augusta for permanent station The Twenty Ninth Infantry has be come srnonvmous with ort Benn ng When the ourth was reactivated year the Twenty Ninth became a CONCLUDES TRADE PACT WITH ARGENTINA A very important step in the Ing of hemisphere solidarity was In Bueno United States and the republic of Ar gentina signed a reciprocal trade agree ment It was the first comprehensive com mercial pact signed by the two countries since 1833 It assures the Argentine freer entry into this country of coarse wools hides canned meats flaxseed nd casein To producers and manufactur ers of the United States it brings re duced Argentine tariffs on fresh and dried fruits Also it means lower duties on the expensive automobiles aod assurance of most favored nation treat ment of United States manufacturing of household equipment such as refrigera tors washing machines and othr eiec trieal appliances President Roosevelt said that shall look back upon the trade agree ment xxx as 3 monument to the ways of peace standing In sharp relief unon a desolate plain of war and destruction Secretary of State Cordell Hull regarded the nact as evidence of collaboration at a time whm very existence of the nations of this hemi sphere may depend upon presenting 8 united front agaimt Regression There were some who criticized the pact as a blow to the American farmer but Bcnatnr O'Mahoney of Wyoming said that the reduction of tariff duty on agricultural products which would ccm petc with western prodici' redly much smaller than many of us In the west had feared might be Washington dispatches quoted close observers of Latin American affairs as saving the advantages given Argentina are minor In comparison with the psy chological Impact of the agreement Argentina it will be recalled was slow in casting aside nazl Influences in regard to commercial transactions but the agreement just concluded by the Buenos Aires and Washington govern ments' should serve to aid materially In perfecting a solid economic front in the new world against the powers The signing of the pact may re garded as a aior triumph for President Roosevelt's good neighbor policy Quixotic exceedingly i vo fno Znilt OlU and harmony impossible without concrete foundation Christopher Columbus had of water and reports shorter way io India to ai he set out Ye: if we turn the pages of the record wc find that what once happened to be strange and shadows in the way of prophecy 1 hate frequently been convened i He into reality 'signn anuwr onMiltan Dr 1 he could shed S( Brown hun itonhzmg aifficulty here being the need of determining WHICH marriage to start from Hattie McDaniels pess rr'kt Miss first exirac agance after winning an Academy Award was the purchase of an up to date washing machine as insurance against the collapse of an enjoyable but undependa ble career the machines thenuclvc likely be in use scon in a ccoiditce with an ordinance providing for an expansion of the meter aiea a Relining Group At West Point A group of 39 enlisted men of the Twenty Ninth Infantry ort Benning arrived at West Point yesterday to form the United States Military first Infantry de tachment The soldiers will demonstrate to cadets the use of infantry weapons and equipment Upon the arrival of the enlisted men at West Point Major (rner) Robert fcichel tbergrr superintendent of the academy made this statement: I record of each and every man In this group was carefully considered before he was finally chosen to be a member cf our infantry detachment Every soldier tn this outfit is thoroughly competent in the firing of such weapons machine guns 81 mm and 60 mm trench raottars automatic rifles and anti tank guns Here at West Point they will be further drilled and trained to co ordinate and cooperate with all the other fist Chic Young whose comic strip pers Blondie and Dagwood just han a baby the screen ditto will i treir next cai HKO laid out a tidy sum to ouy off Joan Merrilfs NY nite GEORGIA TOPS PECAN STATES Georgia tops list of states in th production of pecans this state having risen from third to first place accord ng figures Georgia produced more this ilm roie Tm AGAI3 Ramer unable to land a sfecn comeback part will tour Kiss or in a flank attack on studio gates Grounded: Army flyer Lt Jack Nau who aired here from Jeffer son Mo to pop the query to fiev vou as a rnrrnb and is sincerely hoped that it will some serv'ce lo The idea is a splendid one 4 More Beef rom the Argentine? The United btte has a agreement with Argentina Will that Jauout a lower price on corned beef? Ulejltne to the ot tn Cnited Sta Amt'io end to ths Republic which It NtSa mibi urtj slL" GIVE THE SOLDIER BOYS A LIT! Boys in khakt should be given when a motorist see one im Die side Discussing this subject the Minne apolis Star Journal says that kind of hitchhiker deserves to fare well these days at the hands of every the boy in uniform" The Star Journal con tinues: Springing un in the East and South Is a movement that calls itself Defense Victory purnose of which is to pledge motorists to give a lift to every man in uniformed service who wails by the road for a ride a sticker for windshields and motor who can't pick up hitchhiking sol diers because they're pressed few time or have no room are pledged to stick up two fingers In a as a friendly signal in lieu of stopping like a movement that ought to spread with or without Many Columbus motorists pick up soldiers We earnestly hone that the practice will wion in scope Giving the boys of the army a lift certainly won't hurt their morale By CHARLES MTWART Central res Columnist MORNING rf wspapt rs of a few iheU evs cellently wnt ist rated full obviouriy prepared i of Nelson Rocke feller's orgam I ration of solidi fication of our New World re public's all around friend ships dealing with the trans formed Soul America now in process ot crea tion by the war elsewhere 1 I right kind of publicity and we Yankees need it more than our Latin neighbors need it concerning us They already are a vast deal better Informed as the United States than we are as to them It's true that a good many of our neighbors dislike us somewhat out ot proportion to our just de serts We have mannerisms that grate on their sensibilities and it up to us to convince 'em that we're doing our beat to overcome such brusquenesses in otir style 'Dial form of missionary work to be rordueted through THEIR press The fact jemairi however that they oo have some sort of a con cept of Iff1 and we haven't a bit of it as to THEM Our jobs to placate 'em To do it got to educate OURSELVES and articles like the one 1 ve referred to our Yankee papers are highly educa tional One thing we ought to learn is that a Latin is suave and he ex pects it from others Our northern abruptness makes him sore Another thing we should dis cover is that a word bet ter than his bond If he gives an oral premise he considers himself bound in honor to strain quite a few joints to keep ij If he re quired to sign on a dotted lne he feels himself entitled to stand pat A very fine think has just hap to serve mankind and pened in Columbus something i posterity! pe Hollywood Parade Otto that many have been waiting to Winifred Letts has said so "Be Kind to Wcmei" time wnrHc vears so fast camnagner Mr Kruger after see come We refer to the purchase of a building for a Young Christian Association 1 Uit Earn fh IfW cal need' Often have young worn their games and en in the community inquired Jyou happy gentlemen when our city was going to havejyour good lives down Ithed thaki and the gun The Business and Professional Women's Club worked very faith fully toward that goal To them is UUd lib 1 land all concerned are to thanked With a good building and hiahlv eanable executive secretary can fn Helen Seaky the Wwin the A interests will be served in Columbus industrialized Now the snat off ths source of factory handled supplier from Europe and greatly limited from the United States The last war did it also but the Latins squirmed through the best they could This time they re de veloping their own plants locally to work over their own minerals and hides and fib ro and grains into edible and wearable and struc tural forms for their own utility Of course this be doze in a hurry due a lack of Industrial technicians have to be trained and experts from the United States already are being called for from the northern conti nent in increasing numbers to do the educating Self Sufficient Hemisphere It's a nice thing for the Yankee technicians Later on when the war Over janxrr Hinnuirttuiri i may let out a howl upon discovery llisc Inner i a rA ic ew Era Tech pfnijen 6n ern being able to proc able importance as a4 hei own in their own plants Nevertheless make this hemisphere as self sufficient as it never has been before Besides if locally industrialized the Latins will reed a lot of our Yankee skilled labor for they're underpopulated 'Dial may take up a deal ot our possible post emer gency unemployment slack It likewise by mixing us up will get us mutually much better ac quainted which is essential to make us harmonize HOLLYWOOD Oct the silly taboos that handicap movie making lhe silliest is we unwritten law tljat husband an 'wife must not be cart the fan You and you and you I co: ding to Hollywood's makers automatically turn thumbs I down on screen love scenes you jknovv the couple playing them sin real life Mr and Airs It was with fear and trepida tion that MGM finally yielded the case of Jeanette MacDonaM and Gene Raymond and permitted them to face cameras together tn Not even the tes itimony of veteran set workers who pronounced the scenes be tween Jeanette and Gene the most touching evr witnessed could dispel studio alarm Not un til critics and previous audiences acclaimed the completed film did the producer breathe easily Disregarding the fact that hus band and wife teams such as Sothern and Marlowe and Lunt and ontaine have been sensa tionally successful on the stare this particular Hollywood mama actually discredit the Aznerican intelligence and sense of values Since when have Americans believed that marriage means the end of romance? Since when have we been so stupid movie patrons that we judge act ing entirely by the actor off screen life? Ag a matter of fact what team co Id be expected to romance mot convincingly than Jeanette Mac 1 Donald and Gene acouple so much in love (eveji though married) that they exchange a glance without be raying their emotions to census almost 21 million pounds the than 32 million pounds grown in country in 1910 Georgia out produced Texas leader a decade ago by more million pounds of pecans in spite of the greater number of trees in CI ltA 007 662 pounds and Texas third with 10106403 pounds The number of farms in the country producing pecans has in creased 12 per cent in ten jears Stabilization of plantings of pecans ts indicated by a three fifths in tcc nf bearing age and a decrease of more on' third in the number of bearing trees in a decade Though the pecan crop of I offered rather serious damage a inz trot fitnrm il SUK Ol nation in 19 1 soon al StWRieriOH RArr3 By Crrle Weeiuj Or Adv roc On Wert Ont Month Tbrer Mentha Momha TwehB WV RVM bv request OnW KTTON ADVERTISING KBPRSltN ATIVK tX Pi'lV emesoo knew york atlaxta oaixas rm TRVOir ST touts KAX8AS CITY MV rttSX ctsco tos sxutus NEW YORK I was spending night with Milton Caniff the cartoon strip artist advancement of and his wile Lstner anc wun still do i Charles Rabb who is also the these plans for author of an adventure st and deciares aswnue vve were av Dinner some have studied people came in One of thc was i Burgess Meredith the actor wno Chamber of Commerce Card In the morning mail came a membership card from the Columbus Chamber of Com merce signed by Waller ike ax secre tary In an accompanying letter Mr Pike ex plained that the casds were being out to numerous requests on the part of our member that we issue small memberahlpj for exacUy specified in the cards for use as identification and for contract even if it can be twisted I purposes" ito his own advantage bniiiirv Pike ay that the card iaenti i iv vi'e I shU organization PC 0t Several tne wuuicm irpuo lies have voting systems that the average visiting Yankee doesn't comprehend If he happens to be in one of 'em on an election day trade i t'otmg coffipulsory under pen alty for failure to comply xi a cmzeris so Indifferent as not to gxerne hi franchise right volun why compel him io do it Lneties the puzzled Yankee Thai Tan the idea at all In olden days uas utcmary for employers to Zell Thir workers how to otm if thev didn 10 it per "orders To stop this secret lalloting was legislated It did pre vent employers from making cer tain that their instructions were complied with If a bess was sus picious of some worker though he alill could forbid him to cast any ballot whatever It was to end that too that compulsion wax adopted The motive was thor oughly democratic A lot of these ecuhar lookmg wnnklcs are wprtn Yankee inves tigation The article I've mentioned de votes much attention to South America's progressing industrial ization The continent's enormously rich in raw materials but It hasn nrocessed 'em with the exception rf meat to any extent hitherto i Mr Kuenner gives ap idea of the job it exported 'em still raw and I ahead for the perron seeking the five dollars I subsequently come back when lie says i may prm'c to Im an Intricate and i elusive campaign nowwer since the quota bmi is apparently evaoing its natural haunts Searching prtes hvc scoured through the I Dcc tur Libraiy Carnegie Library jbta'c Library and the prized priceless and musty volumes of perrons! libraries without i a bi pie clue except that the quotation turned up as far back as over i0 years ago and has bcn credited to a dozen or more oratcis statesmen and sidewalk politicians last part of that regiment but it is expected that with the departure of the division the regiment will gan become non tilvi sionsl i Meters on Twelfth boon Looks like it non'' he long before pnrk i Ing meters will be in plarc on Twelfth street Meter posts wne ei ecietl Mwtc iduv and Georgia is a re it is hoped that production will again top the a mm er last week's storm were to the effect that many of the nuts blown from the trees could be saved by prompt ac tion and understood that large quantities of Ians Georgia pecans no ov larger quantities than an of states but their quality best got a refusal ALSE ALARM: Binnie Bancs else here reported operated on for a ikloney ailment she didn't need it HER HERO: The picture the locket dangling up Carol pretty neck is I of ranklin Roosevelt Jr AlTniDT Issro Ws ri vr Witt da LC i 4EVV lence inflicted by a tonsilectomy HOPPING CLOUD: follow the Beooks is theair about yonn aeacn aviauun exec nni she met on a blind date eicz is ao inc her current movie closeups Jtcrary authority Marcus A rrnv thought he was on the right track the other day when he called Carnegie Library the department advised him they huH recon cd previous requests for the information witnout being able to give a 1 ne norat nail hi Hlghtnian Melton in hopes wne held on the subject Mr the telephone discouraged had completed the ch de Ur zilied 3tw Lra Editor Murpbej i I Candler for tne "right dope and Mr and ler 'died him I the request red Aiix of consirh I literary man disturbed slumbering ireshmen Sand agitated renioi? in the ivy draped school i library but tn no avail did it come from? Who said it firs? What was the occasion? We know He first to tell us the right answer and prove it and the five bucks is HOUSE GROUPS APPROVE NEUTRALITY REVISION The house foreign affairs committee lost little time in giving without a record to the prepared revision Ing the shins The approval was voted only six days after President Roosevelt had as ted for the revision and a short time later the rules committee cleared the way for the house io start consideration of the meas ure today Leaders predicted that the legislation would be passed by the house on riday by a margin ot at least 100 vetes The action of the two tcs fol lowed a statement by Secretary ot the Navy Knox to the effect that the navy is ready to put guns and gun crews on the cat go vessels "as fast as the ships come to us" The foreign affairs committee asset ed that the arming of the ships was made necessary by recent piratical attacks bv German submarines and aircraft on American vessels" It is gratifying to note that the stage has already been set for swift passage of the neutrality revision measure by the house and it Is hoped that quick action also will be taken In the senate Wc find Stxratcs in his timejworld wide outbreak of faith and virtuallv predicting the coming of hope in President ilson and afterwards drinking strikingly explains the antagonistic tkrtcn cnnc LV rif sftt the hemlock: We observe victor no wflroniani adventure Hugo 'declaring that Uio wiuro cement ofiand his wife come io pass a and still do Charles Europe whicn we now vno'' must be And we have John Mil i Jrjdunjtv 'be ton speaking these words to the ojj generations: "MtininKi see ni were my mind a noble and puissant cntireiv antagonistic the fear andjhad on a pair of wom pants that tion rousing herself like a strong strange things and peo him too short and a pair of old man after sleep and shaking herjples love of and trust in the old shoes that were giving away at Invisible locks methinks I see things undue preju the seams His hair was wild and as an eagle mewing her mighty suspicions distrusts and shaggy He had been prowling youth and kindling her undazzledlc ciements of spile seoundrelism about his farm which he hadn't eye at the full midday beamsan(j titter selfishness that are so seen in a number of weeks purging and unsealing her long strong still in every human soul" 1 "There's too much land going to abused sight at the fountain it 1 How long asks Mr Wells willWaste out he said self on heanenly radiance men remain dark obdurate naoit going The time came wncn a nooicjuai and traaiuonai roc mis land puissant did guided sense resisting the con hv a cimnn man alter I ver ent forces that i ii( cure and Woodrow Wilson gave unity when it is to be ciiner utterance to his immortal words: unity or misery? dav has come when Amer JY nn fzx I hrr 1 ltd 1 1 4 tv A Xi I kllUlll blood and her micht for the prin version of international politics to namc Hamlet except one got ciplcs that gave her birth and hap brutal forms of nationalism and on the fJoor to ran with pincss and the peace which she asserts mat what "sBlaze and see what a good time has treasured God helping her is not kasue iihey could have 7 rf ihr 5o much as a world league ot men sHe esn cio no otner i thqf But the cis that follow a eai sa re Great Danes good war arc apt to oc nwrs ut icu E2tr nHri hntwnr nrftre 1 i enters rr riession whcrcm men arc too that ffAve ui thc sV i cried out for defense and Xu ed vay? and I i a a ta rt i rwi i i ica am mu iuui mr be Wn i VX LOO 5 Krtf ira thA ner own nvi own mukiuk Seemed to be the case louoxvmgi JCt iV vviromro roeou JjSt OTiCl ''Hi tnt JldCl VcillltLl mri vUl t'V 111V Colonial valley into the estate ofi believes that "a strong man" or nation destructiveness and It rt IV IM 111 Illi'1 nv wHy nCSS Wi vs British just now and some of itipowert of science will cause af too good natures nrov wavs remember that in tha mer quarrel with the lords of im perialism and Conquest England too was there to strike her blow for Anglo Saxon ideals for dc The Savannah Press is interested in the hunt for the information about the origin Rabun Gap to Tybee possibly because Tybee Light is mai Savannah The Press says in part: I has any number of searchers I into the past who might take up the trail vf rom Rabun Gap to Tjbec One of the most prominent of the loci 1 historians upon being asked today if he knew anything about the origin of the six words said he had a faint recollection of some research having been done into the subject I lis reaction to the momtary'side of the present search was a lot of work for five But much more than that awaits as a the honor of being the authority to settle a burning public question and the satisfaction of dipping successfully back into antiquity to remove the cloak of anonymity from a per son tc whom all speakers on Georgia should a noble tasR Vkubhshed Every Morning Except Sunday BJ THE LEfXlJl ENQUIRER CO (7 inn in nmil ii Ullia An nMthred mind tfce iutrtn geniu fitmocravr th atlr Uwi tr mm It rtl? trfimu that trra men le It I amir tounaer ot the Mi irer tn an address on Il floor ot tho cooia et the irpubth Ot Imt Unured at Post Otfiee Quiumkua Second Cl Mad urter Act ot Congreaa March 1 Ut Memhera Audit Bureau ot Circulation and The Soul he rn a apeper Puaiishers Asaor aUon MKMBkJt THE AiSSOCtATKU CRSB Tho Associated Press IS ewluslwlv entitled 11 'r' is puhlieaUvn ot ne dispatches created ll it not o'heraue credle in 'h paper and alao tha twat neas published herein who la id who look instead of a a I own vi wing vu a a xairer piace man even uxuu And Robert Bridges has graphi ar 1 Ld Ve re hi vi cvur5eivaujr uCTMitu miwm a Lhn IT pw wnft 1115 wrong ccean Haicner und dir mnnwealth Wil: rue the day when first they chal lenged freedom to the fray and a with Ute Briton dared the Ameri Now they are pledged to nenes ot man laoci auu splendidly justice now shall have their way and in a league of peace Godgrant we may transform the Since the days of the Wildem earth not paten upute ora plan ess March prophecy ha nearly always contained an appeal for In tnu conneeion the mind and heart It is because In people live in the future as welip forts us wuth the I wmiuis US nr oi belief that out of the trouble ana important to us as al Jiough one must not overkxrt the emerge a moral and in'elleciual club deal so she could rash here SKr rtic I JUUIOI vr luunvi MrC Ml uro sroro course and become so involved tn the morrow that" he will net live bravely and constructively today James Allen and others may speak of eternal but there is something instinctive bur ied in tl whispers to him that the plan is entanglement: yet unfulfilled that the human life pattern is stul incomplete that he must give forth the ba 4 fn ZWI Li Sw)X4 no for the in the and tve ah arc the trenches of life ival of a simplicity and scope: for a 1 TT? to draw togeiner men oi race and discrete or disjunctive i traditions into one common sustained way of living for service He ventures emotion stripped of he sou! of man that et cr a freed from its may presently Plow again like a great and wind bursting the doors and Img inc open the shutters of the in There could be 'dividual life and making mny for the boys 'things possible and easy that in present days of exnauson almost too difficult to dc October 16 414B MT dagc ard 41 ILTM IV.

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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6438

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.